thad barkley

From the stack of new blu-rays: The Frontier - well done little indie noir homage. Jocelin Donahue (The House of the Devil) is a drifter with bruises around her neck and someone else's moneyclip who crashes at the titled run-down desert diner and motel. Sensing an opportunity, she takes a job there and ends up at

Apparently rogaine can be toxic to dogs and cats, so take that into consideration.

Only 4 of the stations were used as the others couldn't survive re-entry.

> Did anyone actually use it to survive the original nuclear attack? If so, what happened to them?

The look on her face and the little smile after 'he' said that was great.

Ah jesus, I'd not seen these before! Thank you!

Isn't that something from Chinese traditional medicine?

F.I.S.H. 3000AD

"It's all so salty."

she real purdy tho

…i don't really know how she pronounces that…

Yassir, Fox is really Leighton us all down.

It was more like "Robocop but Dick Jones is Tony Stark and no actual Robocop so what's the goddamn point?"

Then why the hell hasn't anyone flipped him over onto his back?

> "Why didn't Low Winter Sun work?"

It's not really "gay panic" if an elephant is about to ejaculate on your face. It's just "panic".

Upvoted for After Life. Kore-Eda's movies should be better know.

Will there be an entire episode devoted to him trying to sneak into Superman's funeral?

Again - how can they replicate the conspicuous opulence associated with Dynasty on a CW show budget? Will they be the two richest families in Vancouver?