thad barkley

Tiny lil white mastermind cat scowling at the camera, behind him a bigger 'enforcer' cat, also scowling. Flanked by twin 'expendable psychos'.

Look at the first photo - LOOK AT IT

> Scaphism

And Asians know how to turn a television into a watch!

Best we can hope for, something terrible happens during the State of the Union, and Mattis is the designated survivor.

There Went Bronson

This falls under the heading of "Don't mess with your server/food service personnel"

Grow a comedically large mustache.

Blonde Amy Acker? That's new!

Now that Ted Kennedy's not around to c-block him, Nixon might even get his healthcare plan through!

Then fight in an alleyway!

The Five Little People You Meet In Heaven

That's ridiculous.

I think that's Hope Hicks? One of Trump's people.

I'm going with Fillmore-Graves as the main suspect in the cure theft too.

"Do you understand irony yet? This is a good example."

The few times I've watched the new Five-O all of the extras were white or Asian. There was literally *one* Hawaiian that was a recurring character.

Give Bugs a wig and he could also play a woman!

My headache is getting worse and now I'm just tasting bile.

Needs a friendly, but cowardly ghost and a talking dune buggy.