thad barkley

One thing the guns will come in handy for - murdering insurance company executives and Goldman Sachs officers!

Was one of the astronauts deaf?

We had a pair of unrelated half-dobermans once. Dad named one Brunie, short for Brunhilda and Mom named the other one Schatzi, German for 'sweetheart'

The obscenely rich aren't the new nobility - they're the new Church.

Eat'em all motherfucker…EAT THEM ALL.

New Parts Unknown is a lovely little hamlet in eastern Rhode Island.

I think it's implied that without Frank around to interfere in the 90s, the Nightingale was probably killed by his dad.

It didn't end - Doomsday was still about a month or two off iirc?

Also, Tori Anderson and Josh Sasse should both be the leads in every show they're in from now on.

Actually enjoyed both. Sad, but at least they had something of an ending.

I always say for the more well-off prepper - Gold bullets!

In the deep dark hills of Eastern Kentucky, the sun comes up about ten in the morning
and the sun goes down about three in the day.

It's a shame About Ray.

> Stalker, which is starting to tour in a new restoration, made $19,785 in a single theater

Throw in main cast Detective Chimp and you've got a deal!

It's between dinner and breakfast!

It's funny that this would ideally be a dark and gritty counterpart to Justice League.

Jesus that sounds horrible. It's appalling that it's not more well known.

One Quest lab near work has theirs locked to one of the auxiliary digital channels that has retro programming, so it's nothing but Ironside or Mannix or the like.