
Wow! Six Fire Emblem characters! And they all use swords! Awesome!

This is a reasonable thing to be upset about. However the Smash community takes itself way too seriously while conducting themselves like spoiled and obnoxious 7 year olds. Be it how they engage with each other or with people looking in, they come across as whiny pricks. No one overlooks the Smash community because

No Arkham Asylum huh?

Those are not bugs.

So basically both systems have a bunch of gimped multiplats and nearly no exclusive titles that are worthwhile. Shocking

I have disliked this entire concept from the start because it makes no sense. When you pick up Thor’s hammer, you do not become Thor. Thor Odinson’s power is 99% being what is deemed a god through genetics. The hammer only gives him the ability to fly and control weather.

Which is really unfair. Nothing about the game from a technical standpoint in terms of scale or ambition is taxing the actual engine or hardware. The game runs poorly across all platforms because of incompetence. It is pretty pathetic to see so many current console games dipping below 30 given the current specs and

There is no way this is “the least buggy Bethesda title launch ever”. The game is a 64-bit application but only uses 2~3 GB of RAM on any setting at any resolution. The cell buffering is the worst it has ever been. It still lacks basic features and options as well as the ability to change these options in game. The

I want to make a point here. ZeniMax BOUGHT id Software. Bethesda are incompetent with regards to engine use and development. Bethesda has access to idTech. If they just brought some id people in-house to teach the new engine, we would not have these issues. Not saying idTech is the best thing out there, but I will

I’m loving my 12 fps on my 390! These results sure are accurate!

What a bunch of hacks! They stole this from RML!

I am almost certain that adc and support will end up top lane because of the Rift Herald. Rift Herald takes 2 people to kill. If the jungler cannot make it, you have your support to help. Mid can also join in. So potentially you can have 4 players vying for the buff. If the ADC gets the buff, top lane is gone.

People are going to use this video to express how ignorant they are with both parties being represented, console and PC. Though I will show my bias and say that PC users would be more aware of why these versions are so similar.

Excellent idea in my opinion, though the price is too high. Not having a barrier of entry gives you TF2 post Mann-conomy. The $15 CS:GO costs keeps most away that have no interest playing the game. When you put money into something you tend to be more dedicated to getting use out of it. Most people who play TF2 are

He is a monster like Huey!

So this is the power of the Gamebryo Engine, modified to be legally called its own engine named the Creation Engine then the subsequent modification of that fork which still retains all the short comings of their parent engine. Truly amazing.

Dude is responsible for the dumpster fires that were Into Darkness and The Amazing Spider-man 2? Great, let me just get my rope.

When the game hit Steam they butchered it so bad, you could not even play basic TDM on public servers. You could play freeze tag and some other crap game mode.

You know that what’s worse than replying in a condescending manner? Working for Kotaku.

Biggest take away from this is that a writer for Kotaku acknowledged that Kotaku is click-bait.