Terrible Gerbil

Or they wanted to compare the Jeep to cars with similar build quality.

I imagine Ferrari wants to employ the guy who named the “fireplace.

I know we’re supposed to support this theory, but I would really like to see data that shows that cars with more electronic nannies (I hate this term so much) are more often implicated in accidents.

Maybe they should have spent more time talking to kids about financial literacy.

I like how, back in the ‘70s, even robots from the 25th century (25th, right?) had ‘70s haircuts.

Came here to say this, glad(?) to see I’m not the only one making this comparison. How long until they introduce the “New Silvia Crossover!”?

I get it, but Tesla has stores in cities where a 100K car ain’t no big thing. Putting a Harley store in a “fancy mall” is just going to be a waste of time, energy, and money they don’t have. And I bet the franchise guy with his 100,000 square foot H-D merch store on the side of the highway is going to love the idea

The only fools were the captain and the boating company who still allowed business to happen that day. It’s unfair to assume that customers of any kind of tourism or activity like this, know anything about boating. Cause most times they don’t. They put all their trust in the captain to know what’s right.

Most people don’t have experience boating and don’t realize that boats aren’t immune to that type of weather, especially on a lake. It’s not every day that you hear about a large boat sinking in the middle of an American lake. And I’m not sure what you expected them to do once they’d already left the dock and the

The boat should have never left the dock. They did not want to give refunds for the canceled trip. Not passing out life jackets was just being lazy. And stupid.

I didn’t even know Mitsubishi still sells cars in the US. I honestly don’t even know where I would go to find a dealer.

No, the very fact that Uber and Lyft and other ride-sharing company are thriving is the proof that government is over-regulating the taxi industry.

It’s good to see the New York Taxi Workers Alliance is using Mr. Saleh’s death to their own political advantage, and that you, Ryan, are using their materials uncritically.

Its very pertinent. It is precisely the reason why I don’t take taxis. One year in Philadelphia just as a blizzard was hitting all public transportation had stopped & the only things riding up & down the street were taxis. Me & 3 other black guys stood for over 30 minutes as we attempted to flag down drivers to no

This is terrible for this man and other people like him, but the problem isn’t with Uber, it’s that a medallion is $700k. This artificial economy has always been problematic. There are also issues with ride sharing, but the answer lies somewhere in the middle, not protecting this outdated system.

at some point I’ll fix them like this

Seriously, charge $80-$100 instead of $60, it’s stayed at $60 way too long and needs to catch up to inflation, as is these days I’m spending more on designer board games than AAA video games... board games...

“420 lb-ft.”

Are you a Confederate economic apologist? Who claims it was about states rights and protecting the southern economy? Which was supported by the oppressive enslavement of human beings? What narrative or perspective that actually matters am I leaving out? Southerners who didn’t have slaves? They had it pretty good
