It’s not understandable, I agree. That said, about half the drivers in my state of Florida would have done the same thing.
It’s not understandable, I agree. That said, about half the drivers in my state of Florida would have done the same thing.
I would honestly trust any cheap crapcan wrenched by David Tracy over most any car I see on the road down here in FL. But, that’s Florida....
I can’t wait for Jalopnik’s own $700 self-driving Jeep Wagoneer!
But on the other hand, many “normal” (i.e. not attentive) humans would have done the same thing. Indeed, one of them did in that very accident!
Oh look, it can handle a drainage ditch!
Yep, I originally thought (based on the police statements) that Uber was probably not at fault, but the police must not have been watching this video very closely. These AVs are supposed to be able to see in the dark better than us humans, and the car should have been able to avoid this accident regardless of what the…
Chiltons manuals are for people who say “its much bigger than the Haynes manual so it must have much more stuff in it!”
Lol, I’m no Anglican! I was referring to the Bentley line of manuals, which are far superior to Haynes manuals.
“If you’re going to work on your car, it helps a hell of a lot to have a Haynes Manual. “
Probably depends on how long it takes to get there. One factor with batteries is calendar life (not unlike rubber parts on any car, they degrade even if the car is never driven much).
Yep. And the screenshot also shows that the Uber car stopped right before hitting the bike, since the bike is in front of the car, right? My point is that the picture is worthless since it was taken after stuff was moved around. The police chief herself said it happened near the median, which I assume is the left…
Lol alright. I think everyone agrees with your statement about avoiding accidents. However, we are talking about humans causing the problem in this specific instance, not machines.
Perhaps they can be programmed to react to traffic slowing in other lanes, sure. That said, if someone cuts you off, it’s kind of their fault...
No need to apologize! My statement was partly tongue in cheek, as the only way the AV could be perfect is if Jesus was driving and he had a shipment of cute puppies in the trunk...
If you are waiting for the time when AVs are “perfect”, you are going to be waiting until eternity. Personally, I am waiting for the time they are better than human drivers, which is appears might already have passed.
“Focusing on whether Herzberg stepped in front of the car sidesteps key, arguably more important questions that’s likely the focus of investigators: Why didn’t Uber’s technology catch Herzberg before it was too late and slow down?”
He would be like Andy Bernard from the office, who bought a Xterra because he saw all the ladies driving them and wanted to attract ladies.
“Now first off, around here we don’t believe that there even is such a thing as a gender-specific car or truck,”
“It looks like it took place along the right side of the road,”
Huh? Presumably the autonomous car would know the car in front is slowing, and then they would presumably know that the double-parked car is stopped. What exactly would be the problem? Perhaps the autonomous car might wait a few seconds before also trying to merge left, but whats the harm in that?