
Bigger question - are any cities outside of Chicago and NY known nationwide for any type of food whatsoever? There's a Chicago-style pizza place in my town, and several NY-style, but that's as far as city-level food imitation goes here. Mostly food is regional.

We're paying all this money for NATO and it doesn't even cover greens fees? I WILL STUDY THIS DUMB DEAL

BatB is on track to earn in the 40+ point range as well, so you really have a solid foundation.

Also, @loki1001:disqus your Simple Draft pick of Friday the 13th has been pulled from the schedule and you'll need to select a new one. See which films are still available at that spreadsheet: https://docs.google.com/spr…


Today, in a very special legislative edition of SchadenFridays…

Yeah his super secret backup plan is to let Obamacare fail because he bought into the hype that it's failing (lol wats a CBO) and then he somehow thinks he'll still be able to blame the Democrats for it.

Agreeabuddies for 2004-06!

That's one of those movies that I was intrigued by at the time (it was featured in Discover magazine!) but never got a chance to see and it's been on the 'meaning to watch it' list ever since, but it never streams anywhere I subscribe to.

Maybe I'm producing false memories but I seem to recall at least a few people doing it, or at least linking to where they'd done it elsewhere.

I was surprised to find that Dowd and Adams are only a decade or so older than me.

Sadly that's not just a JW thing, so either it's not a cult-like aspect or Amorphously Protestant Evangelism is a cult too, with a shitload more members. I'm thinking the latter.

Perhaps we have already done the movie-per-year-you've-lived thing previously but the staff is now doing the thing so let's also, ourselves, do the thing, which, regardless of whether others in the CZ have done the thing, I do not recall having yet done.

though most JW's actually drink a lot

What are the most cult-like aspects of JW that the average person outside that worldview might not realize?

If you've rejected JW, are you now estranged from your family, or is it just super awkward now?

Why do you think that your boredom and frustration in life is specifically due to your upbringing and not a feature of the human condition we all experience regardless of the religious tradition of our families?

Were you denied birthday cake?