
They still cover Steven Universe and…. uh, whenever Rick and Morty comes back twelve years from now.

I really enjoyed a lot of the picaresque elements of it but it doesn't really hang together in the end. Especially the footprint thing. What did Arlo do that was worth putting his footprint up? Just get home? It didn't feel earned, and when it bookends the story it really needs to feel significant.

I was recently introduced to the Taco Bell chicken quesadilla after not having patronized Taco Bell for the first 20 years of my life, and it is indeed pretty darn good.

Cool, I'll have to look for it. I'm still leeching off my parents' supply when it comes to liquor and they tend to just buy whatever the default is. But the CM's is running out and we'll need a replacement soon enough.

Tereglith Reviews Junk Food: Hard Soda Edition

Shaker got loose!

What, are people unable to comment via the AVC page?

I haven't seen it either.

They've been messing around with the Newswire's format for a couple months now without it affecting the rest of the site. I hope it's a Newswire-only change and not an experiment they someday hope to apply everywhere.

I could actually really go for a "hickory smoked peppered bacon cheeseburger" right now. He is right in noting that it has no obvious connection to Kong, however.

It's more like they took all the worst parts of that Star Wars Week format ('member that?) and doubled them.

Wedding update: I piloted BB-8 fine until he got up to the front, where the different position of the floodlight caused me to accidentally knock his head off (the mother of the bride popped it back on, fortunately). Also, it was very dark and I don't know how well people could see him.

It is a joke. It just also happens to be reality.

- Mournful cover of "What a Wonderful World"

Wow, you weren't kidding. It's kind of baffling how Marvel On Netflix keeps making the same mistakes over and over. They've made 52 hours of this stuff now! You'd think they'd have it figured out! Especially when AoS has been humming along as one of the better genre offerings on TV for 3 years now. It seems like

I'm to be the 'ring-bearer' at my friend's wedding tomorrow, by piloting their Sphero BB-8 with rings taped to his head through the planetarium where the ceremony is being held. I may thing its weird that they're married so young but at least they know how to having a wedding in style.

Wow, Kong notched a B from Dowd.

And then he wrote himself prescriptions for plenty of painkillers!