
Every male actor over age 50 has been making cheap Taken rip-offs for the past five years straight though. Your thesis would have it that similar praise should have been piled on Non-Stop or Unknown or The Gunman or The Accountant or The Equalizer or 3 Days to Kill or anything John Travolta has made since 2012.

They know they're probably getting cancelled so they're cutting loose and it's glorious.

SHIELD has all its main characters trapped in the Matrix where HYDRA won because Agent Coulson never became an agent!


Agents of SHIELD is straight killin it tonight. Humans killing robits, robits killing humans - it has everything!

Just call it "Splash Mountain: The Movie!" and most people will be none the wiser.

Do people even still think of pizza as an Italian food though? Because I mostly don't. Or at least, I don't think of the type of place where I could theoretically get a pineapple pizza as being 'Italian', I think of it as being a Pizza Place. It's its own thing.

I don't know that I can put it into words. I have no love for pineapple in the first place, eating it only grudgingly when it appears in mixtures of other fruits and never by itself. My aversion is, as with most foods I am averse to, predominantly textural. Putting it on pizza does little to alleviate this issue,

Nope. I accept a great many pizza toppings, but not pineapple.

Guys I came up with the best Director/Old Disney Property combo: Wes Anderson's Candleshoe.

It's only going to be 8 episodes so a high price tag for each wouldn't be surprising.

IMAX is paying for it for some reason.

Zack Snyder's 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea

I'm just waiting to see what they'll do when they run out of truly iconic films and start raiding the really obscure parts of the Disney back catalog (in a way Pete's Dragon was the start of this process). Shane Black's The North Avenue Irregulars! Peter Jackson's The Black Cauldron! Jeff Nichols' The Cat From Outer

Haha, Breitbart employees pretending to have any kind of scruples? Adorable.

If you are in the draft I will automatically enter any picks you make for SG's pool into the draft calculations.

Put me down in the 'it's the appeal' column. Ballet of death? Hell yes. The headshots are a part of that, in a way; John is clearing the stage in the most efficient way possible and that involves putting combatants down for good, which means headshots when anybody might be wearing insane bulletproof lining. I'm fine

Same play structure as Balderdash, but each card has a Word, a Date (what happened that day?), a Person (why are they noteworthy?), an Initialism (what does it stand for?) and a Movie (what's it about?). It adds considerable variety to the game. The movies are especially fun to come up with.

At least Dane DeHaan can take solace in the fact that nobody else will ever star in two bombs with a collective budget quite as big as Taylor Kitsch in 2012.

John Wick 2 is great. So sumptuous, so stylish, toeing right up to the edge of being cartoonish or ridiculous but willing itself back to respectability through sheer confidence. I can't wait for Chapter 3.