
I'm going to replace the old one with something fantastic and yuge, believe me!

CZ 2017 Movie Draft Update

Nope! Because the Awards consideration requires us to wait longer than that anyway, all grosses (including Star Wars) will count through the weekend of the Oscars, on February 26th.

Due to technical limitations the slack is invite-only, so I just need an email address to be able to send you an invite.

Do you have a valid citation for the date? You can add it to the page yourself! This isn't encarta!

I used to read recreationally a ton more than I do now. I still read quite a bit, but it's more like one or two books a month than one or two a week. There's all sorts of books lined up waiting for me and it's just a matter of getting around to them.

For the sake of convenience, the list will remain restricted to what's on the wiki page. Once a film as a 2017 release date, you can request it.

Weekly waiver wire. If a movie on your slate gets bumped, you apply for a theretofore undrafted replacement by DMing me in Slack. If a movie that did not have a release date at the time of the draft comes out that you really want, you can bump one of your own films for a small point penalty and apply to pick it up in


Specifically I would like reaffirmation of a desire to participate from people who expressed interest a week ago but weren't around for the Simple Draft: Stingo, Roobles, Doc

You haven't failed the Simple Draft yet! It's just a… high-risk portfolio.

Is there anything that might be releasing toxic substances into your dwelling? Like a gas leak? Have you suddenly become less witty and your relationships with your friends less authentic?

Try to make it at least 8. With 5 there's a risk you'll run out.

Is there a night this week that you would be able to?

That's fine as long as you can jump right in at 9:30.


He was very high, for one thing, but it's also implied that he hasn't seen her for decades and might not ever have seen her as an adult.

You're not, it's been around for years. I like it as a theory though. It fixes several parts of KOTCS but it also heightens his man-outside-his-time status, which was meant to be a big part of 4's themes and will only be more important to address in 5.

Sherlock was pretty phenomenal tonight. The best episode (and best villain) since "The Reichenbach Fall". Obviously the twist is basically soap opera nonsense on the face of it, but they've clearly been setting it up for a long time if you look at the past references to the East Wind. Something must have happened with

More than I've ever gotten!