
Aston Martin? It's like they pre-emptively realized there would be "Sherlock is too Bond-lite" complaints and decided to bait them!


Jimmy Fallon Jimmy Falloned all over it for the opening number.


Really milking that Barb meme guys.

Considering he's actually Grindelwald, who is pretty much confirmed for gay by Rowling, there might be something to that. He's fallen out of his youthful fling with Dumbledore but might be trying to create a more predatory version of that same psychosexual dynamic for his next 'partnership'. Instead of a

Thanks to Lloyd, SG, Narrator, and Loki, we drafted films from 2015 so I can test my formulas for the 2017 draft. Look upon the giant spreadsheet…. IF YOU DARE: https://docs.google.com/spr…

2015 Mock Draft is Ready to Begin

He says that it is, but that's probably because he has a general impression that it's the yugest, classiest movie there is, everybody says so.

Okay, the 2015 Mock Draft will begin in about an hour when I'm done with my dinner.

It's not like his favorite movie, it is his favorite movie. He played the main theme from it whenever he got off his plane.

2015 Mock Draft

CZ 2017 Movie Draft - Complex Edition

It sounds like Emerald City is too grimdark and portentous to even make for a good hatewatch.

Ah, clearly you're confused; it'll still somehow all be Obama's fault.

They did, but actually seeing that advertising required you to watch NBC's garbage December programming, which is not really recommended.

I'd take Nixon's Head/Headless Spiro Agnew over Trump/Pence any day.

Yes, since it (very) loosely adapted "The Adventure of the Six Napoleons"