
I love the fact that Keanu Reeves took the role of John Wick as a favor to his former stunt double who is the director of the series.

My sister has autism - most people wouldn’t notice or realise, and someone once asked how she was ‘cured’. As she pointed out, she wasn’t - she and we learnt to adapt and change various things in all our lives; she has had a lot of behavioural therapy and speech pathology; and everyone in her life works hard to

I definitely can’t wait to watch this.

Well, that’s a tough one because while they share a very similar premise (as in almost exactly the same except here only the mice seem to be sentient), to me Mouse Guard definitely has its own identity but it depends heavily upon its artist’s graphical style (which makes me quite curious how this will turn out, and a

Is Mouse Guard the Redwall rip-off I assumed it to be when I was younger, or is it bringing a different heat?

If they wanna embrace this language, then I guess we’ll have to start referring to newborns as nine-month-olds.

It makes no difference you damn simpleton. An adult human is not allowed to be inside another human’s body without the 2nd human’s consent. That’s called rape. So if you want to call unwanted fetus a miniature rapist, go ahead.

I wish it were possible for the woman to countersue somehow. There ought to be some way to penalize men for not taking the appropriate steps to corral their invading sperm.
Just for the record, this is a man writing this.

I’m curious though, when you’re “six weeks pregnant” your embryo is not actually six weeks old, you didn’t even have the sex that created the embryo until four weeks ago. Anyone who has been pregnant or knows anything about this knows you count from the date of your last period. The pregnancy likely won’t even show up

This is the part where they lose me completely. I kind of understand where they’re going with the later term abortions— I don’t agree, but I see what they’re saying, and I definitely see how they’ve succeeded with those arguments. But six weeks??!!??? You miscarry at six weeks and you probably don’t even know you’re

I never bother arguing personhood with pro-birthers. It’s somewhat subjective anyway. And entirely beside the point.

No person has the right to be inside of or use another person’s body for their life. So even if they are a full person, they still don’t have a right to be there and a woman has the right to remove them

“a fully developed person who can feed themselves and get a job in 2 months”

Hence no need to give the workshy little crumbgrabbers the handouts.

Technically, it’s not even a fetus yet, not until 8 weeks. At 6 weeks it’s an embryo the size of a pea.

I think "host" is more accurate, "mother" is used intentionally to make her seem like a failed woman, a delinquent parent, etc. rather than a woman with an unwanted embryo in her uterus, which she has no obligation to host for 9 months.


I really don’t want to google “6 week embryo” but having had a few 6- 10 week miscarriages, it definitely didn’t look like the slightly cute baby image above the article. It looked like a heavy period. I don’t think pics like this help.

Look, you’re never going to convince people like this that a fetus isn’t a fully developed person who can feed themselves and get a job in 2 months if only their mamma didn’t execute them.

Baby Roe was approximately six weeks old on February 10, 2017.” Then it isn’t a baby, it’s a fetus or clump of cells in a woman who isn’t a mother and chose not to become one at that point of time. This is enraging, the complete obliteration of the woman as anything but an incubator is horrible. I’m surprised they

6 week old embryo =/= 6 week old baby, ya douche.

Pregnancy is a potential consequence of sex. If a man isn’t prepared to accept that his sexual partner may choose an abortion, he shouldn’t have sex.