
If 3 games, months and MONTHS apart is reason to fear over saturation I don't even want to know what you guys think of the flood of faceless-modern-military-soldiers....

"I wouldn't say no to ever doing an MMO again," Morhaime said to Polygon. "But I can say that right now, that's not where we want to be spending our time."

Taking responsibility for and recognizing the reason for failures, providing refunds for those who request them, delivering on backer rewards... this sounds like the right way for a kickstarter project to die, as sad as it may be for those involved. Bravo.

I'm more capt. Marvel guy myself.

I cannot stress enough how you have to meet in well lit public places. In an apartment parking lot is not it.

If these guys made a 20 min video of this, I would watch it.

I'm so butthurt North America is not getting the First Print Edition.

Honestly, I think you've performed a modern pop culture miracle: being genuinely surprised and unaware of a extremely popular film's sequel. Impressive, good sir. :)

You know, now that Gamora is established and we know a green female hero role works, Marvel needs to start looking into a She-Hulk film.

I am getting absurdly nostalgic watching this.

Same for me. It was my first and nothing else will have the same impact.

I want this lacquered and turned into my coffee table.

Collecting figure is a dark path, my friend. A very dark path. Just ask anyone who collect figures.

Okay, I can see how that *might* not be John Travolta on the right, but there's no way you're convincing me that's not Samuel L. Jackson on the left.

Wong Factor.

Time to put my game face on.