
They all look the same.


@greeze: I didn't say Google, Microsoft, or Apple should move their HQ outside of the United States. I said they should come up with their own, not move ours.

@rheostaticsfan: Call me selfish, but why doesn't "outside of the USA" create its own Google? Microsoft? Apple?

@potka: You know, I refrained from judging a book by its cover — after seeing his tattoos, I thought "this guy must be decent if he's in such a restaurant doing an interview". But nope, I was completely wrong. He's a foul-mouthed, tatted-up douche.

If that's a four star restaurant, I'd love to see desserts from a five star restaurant.

@Zubieta: Never underestimate the cleverness of an Asian.

@RedRaider: Yeah, I'm surprised at how willing people are to use these on their $2,000-ish laptops. I'd probably use it on my T400's keyboard, since I know I can get another one pretty cheap from fleaBay, but never on a Macbook Pro. And never on the trackpad of my T400. I don't think you're supposed to wet the

@sonny001: Wow. You're a complete nutcase.

@benjgvps: You'll never believe what I just saw going down the road.

Damnit. Now I want chocolate.

a.k.a.: A ToS adjustment.

I always eat them.

@LANjackal: I see it all the time in my repair shop. It's normally due to people being sloppy and not taking care of their electronics. You'd be surprised how people wrap up the cords to their AC adapters.

@The Squid: Team Fortress 2 is almost 5 years old itself. So saying it can't run on a machine that's 5 years old is a lie.

@SEDAGIVE?!: Every Android device been upgraded at least once. And there is no Android 2.3.