
@The Squid: $100 says it's the same rendering engine. Meaning that the iPad would be entirely capable of running TF3 as well.

@The Squid: Key words: "Not yet, anyway."

Is it possible to have an epic comment thread in an article about an epic comment thread?

@Dinosaur!: Nooooooooo! I didn't mean it like that! Really, I didn't!

@LetsTryThisAgain: What's the deal with the iPad anyway? I played with one once. Then I analyzed the usage mechanics and deduced that the rest of my physical activity would be a series of touching and swiping. So I put it back in the box and proceeded to the nearest Best Buy.

@axeavius: Only when they're made to. $100 says they carry a second 'personal phone' as well.

So *this* is why Yahoo! is a fail...

@tedknaz: All I wanted to do was get some insecure bastard's panties in a knot. Just think, I saved your wife a black eye tonight by releasing your anger on Lifehacker.

John Stankey? LOL.

@DBeta: Fuck yeah. At least you see the light.

@Dogen: I guess if you're blogging every single minute of your life and need 85wpm 100% of the time you are behind the device, fine. Keep your Macbook Pro. Tablets simply aren't for you. We get that.

This is nice and all, but mobile apps are just getting redundant. 70,000 - 80,000 - 90,000 - 200,000 apps - It doesn't really matter when over half of them are useless.

@The Squid: I see the stealth trolling you did there.

@Dogen: The iPad has a physical keyboard attachment if you can't get 85wpm on the onscreen keyboard.

@yourbuddypal: Good point. People still hate change. ;)