
@Live N Learn: Wow... you use 21.8GB of apps? I'm guessing there's one or two apps that take up a majority of that space.

@Lemonade: Are you done trolling?

@j14: You're comparing Apples to Oranges.

@esaevian: From my experience, using the multiple login feature works like this:

@benharris5: You do realize that separate sites store their own cookies, right?

@Gigglebox: Just like in politics, you either vote for one party or another. Or you stay home and not care. No need for the third opinion.

@Andinator: With a sub-one-hour battery life, I can't see a 'normal OS' making it past the previous generation of 'tablets'. (Articulating display + resistive touch screen)

@Sir Gibler: You can on 'approved' devices.

I don't understand how this could happen in the first place.

What is this, /g/izmodo!?!

@ian.g.case: I'm just saying that's how the ISPs around here "gauge" how much they're providing you. Whether it's right or wrong.

Ahh, the good ole' token ring -vs.- star topology argument.

iPhone Gets the Official R2-D2 Case Treatment, Too (Still Needs Playskool Logo)

@iScuba: They can't be cougars anymore if he's the older one in the relationship. Mrooooowwwwl.

Yay! Another RF dongle!