
Everyone was up in arms about the recent $120k Supra but no one is really reacting to a $200k Grand National. That Supra is better in every way.

First MY year answer should be it depends. It depends if the leap is a giant redesign for the car/maker. Does it contain bleeding edge technology? Does it contain new technology or features for that manufacturer? What’s the track record of that car maker?

If it’s been 9 months trying to fill a position, that’s usually a red flag to the hiring manager their requirements are looking for a unicorn. I see this a lot these days. Companies looking for someone with both industry and role specific experience in gobs, ability to also do a bunch of unrelated tasks, and willing

So if I want the T6 I have to factory order a normal V60 because only the CC will be on lots if I recall correctly? That....sucks. Volvo already competes poorly on leases and now I can’t get the up-rated motor? Y U DO DIS GEELY?!?! :( :(

2nd Gear: The thing that bothers me the most are all the random awards they give out. It drives me nuts seeing a JD Power award advertised for “initial quality” aka how many issues occur within the first 90 days.

This thing would be awesome if they could swap Audi’s interior into it. Nonetheless the X3M will be on my list for next lease.

Twas a typo.

See, this passes as NP because it’s sub $2,000. Sure, $1,800 is a lot of money to some people but overall we on this site consider that range to be throw away money on a car. If you can get 6 months out of it that already covers a $400 a month car payment. Chances are you’ll get that or more.

Curious, what’s the cost to get this kid to another school?

I concur here. It’s probably in really good condition and taken care of will keep running another 100,000. But this is still a gamble. I’d look harder at this for $5,000 because making it to nearly 300k tells me major stuff that should have broke was taken care of or is doing well still.

Yes, it replaced the M series.

I sat in some new Infiniti cars at the Philly Auto Show and immediately got out. Their interiors were terrible compared to literally everything else (except Lexus, the new RX was crap and the UX was terrrrrrible) around them. Not sure how these older ones compare but I could get into a Mazda6 and feel more comfortable

You listened to 32 sounds. Of those you guessed 31 correctly!

Going to agree. Something there is off. Either social engineering to give up data like birth certificate and SSN, he already had SSN, or a data leak allowed it.

Way easier said than done. Some/many cars have it locked in a rivited box buried in the cowl ala Audi. This is dependent on the make/model.

Some of the newer ones still only last a few hours but the bulk and size of everything (batteries and wiring) is much smaller. They are also woven into down jackets. I have a Milwaukee Tools hoodie, one of the older ones, and the battery is a giant compared to some of the new stuff out there.

Jersey City? Lucky it wasn’t stolen.

If this didn’t have the giant gas tank and “special mods” I might NP this just because anything old Jeep that isn’t completely rotted can command a good price these days. But the modifications hurt it here.

I was thinking the same thing. Most modern, typical commuter cars can adjust toe and that’s it. Everything is static or so tightly spec’d it’s not possible to change camber/caster.