
The article failed to mention that the particular strain of imaginary weed he was carrying is called Fantasy Tears.

Real men use ye olde English.

Except for the thorium salt reactors - the waste from those is significantly safer, the reason they weren’t used AFAIK is that the government couldn’t get weapons grade uranium in the process.

Hillary Clinton is the only one to blame if Hillary Clinton loses. She’s a terrible candidate that’s pissed away huge leads in two consecutive elections.

tbh I don’t think he does. after the whole kenosha political operative bit, he has nothing to gain by acquiescing.

In the coral
The mighty coral
The lionfish dies tonight

When asked if he was invited into Baylor’s locker room, Shawn Oakman responded, “Well, it’s Baylor, consent is pretty much implied.”

Cowboy abuses Redskin woman.

“No lasers? You got it!”

It depends. What does Martellus Bennett look like?

Because “Antonio Brown” has like 7 guitar solos and Josh Norman just bought his first Squier Stratocaster 16 months ago and he’s still learning his scales. He can do “Big Me” by Foo Fighters, though.

Oh, so you want to be outraged? Check out what their division rivals from NYC wore on their helmets, on this day of all days

According to Chris Mortensen, 11 of 12 ESPN Fantasy apps still working properly

Pictured: The Safety Dance

God dammit! We gotta go through another season of this shit?

It wil just be a caricature of Bradford humping Magary from behind.

Texas: At least we aren’t Florida.

Don't you dare talk about Whataburger or its wrappers that way.

But it’s still better than internal combustion engines.

Oh please, the ICEs in cars are still the least efficient methods of energy production we have, even a large coal plant is more efficient. Having a tiny power plant in every car is a terrible idea.