
Aston Martin V8 Vantage GT - Revlon Edition

Maybe but I am not sure. It's too bad no one who really knows answered your question.

Its ok, it makes complete sense in Japan!

Italian airbags always work best.

Dang it!!! Beat me too it!!

Man! You guys had a good thread going ... but then you ruined it.

Let me fix that for you:


It watches the article video or else it gets the hose again.

A nip here, a tuck there. The 2015 Ford Focus ST is still the ST you've come to know and love, just sharpened. Which means it's probably still awesome.

Until you see this:

Ha ha! True but you know he was just trying to show sacrifice. But yeah don't put the saber down Luke ...

You are correct, but you see he couldn't keep his mouth shut because being evil he had succumbed to Wrath and Pride. Clouded his vision.

I don't think this is the greatest BUT a childhood friend did. When he thought Johnny 5 had died he started crying. We still tease him about it to the day. You get my click for him.

Dang I am so conflicted about this one!

That's not a stool; it's used to support bombs or fuel tanks.

"I'll never turn to the Dark Side. You've failed, your highness. I am a Jedi, like my father before me."

I think it is a dinosaur; a living fossil. Just look at his crest.

The head line should have included "from inside the house, inside the house!!"

Wassup lil bro!