
i love it! i love it!

"It's very pretty, Bishop, but what are we looking for?"

In mother Russia the Lenin Bricks crush you!

Or she could have just been your typical hysterical, overly-dramatic woman.

The pilot(s) would never remind him; it would not be the correct protocol.

This actually looks really beautiful. Hard to believe its so polluted.

That will be a Kodak moment for sure.


Yes that's exactly what I was thinking. After the guy takes off it's no longer about a simple traffic violation. It became a crime and good for the cop for trying to stop him.

That C-Pillar brings it all together!

You meant to post this one right?

Well I would say this is "pretty dominant".

It's irrelevant; you are free now!

Cool, as I said every point of view is appreciated. I don't agree with yours but I understand it.

How do you figure she was abused? And from another comment; a child prostitute?

Hmm YES, Obviously. You must be new here.

... and if I met a chick that drove this car I would do anything to go out with her so that maybe I'd get a chance at driving it one day.

... and that's a good thing in my book. I'd get this over a 911 any day of the week!

Hey at least its being upfront about what it intends to do to you if you run onto it on the road.