
The thing about this car is that it's just somebody's pipe dream and while that's a good thing sometimes it's not a good thing this time. It's just not well executed, especially the front. Will it be timeless? Never! It will quickly be forgotten as one of those designs that pushed really hard but didn't get too far.

Hey when you think you look cool, nothing else matters!


Thank you for the awesome post!

After Breaking Bad whenever I see a tortoise all I see is this:

Kinda like this:

Like this?

Like this?

Hmm no sorry, this is the ridiculous statement:

Here are the stats for the 2014 Audi R18, pinched off of its French, German, and English Wikipedia pages.

They didn't have good studies back then. We now know better:

I have a similar sleep schedule to Mozart!!!! Woohoo! :)

Using this tank will only kill Ukrainian separatists. They are thinking small; they are fixing the engine, ok fine.

You mean like this ...


He has a license:

E. Honda was EXTREMELY disappointing.

That's just great you jerk, now I will have that song in my head all day! Thanks a lot!