
All the luck to you sir and safe travels! ;)

Just watch the Nth Degree from TNG again and it was pretty terrible to see how everyone reacted at Commander Barclay's new found intelligence. Couldn't they just be happy for him? I know he was a "threat" but still, everyone seemed petty and jealous; especially Geordi.

5:00 pm? Dude I was like that this morning!!

I think this is the BEST preview I have seen for it so far.

I want to love it too but to me this sounds annoying; its a great looking car though and I bet its crazy fast. But even if its sounds annoying now it can be taken care of with a carefully chosen aftermarket exhaust.

So they have been at it since the 60's? We must act quickly before they use the earth as a ball of yarn!

It's from the Matchbox Adventure 2000 line. I had this when I was a kid and the larger tank. They were awesome! You can find them on ebay.

Make it like this one and I'M IN!

Exactly, I mean the term "fleet" implies they have dozens (at least more than one). I'm sure they can afford it but they just don't have them because it's not practical.

It's a trap!, It's a tarp!, It's a trap!, It's a tarp! ...

I don't think she is either and that's a good thing.

"One the lotto", oh man dude you just made my day!

To me its Walt saying (screaming) "Jesse!!"

Man you are hilarious, ok look you don't have to buy anything because I'm not selling anything. As the post says "Its my opinion".

We could probably cut that in half if we applied ourselves.

Crap! Now I have the theme song from the 70's/80's BSG stuck in my head!!!!

Just a quick comment to cheer everyone up: Currently the fastest object travels at 150,000 mph BUT we are still extremely primitive when it comes to space travel.

In my opinion he only admitted that to his wife to ease the psychological burden on her regarding the reasons he did it. If you keep saying "I killed someone for you" to someone (even if its for a good reason) the other person might start to feel horrible about it.

Without the Kazon we wouldn't have this:

Butch: It's a chopper, baby.