
This time she’s on her knees doing it for money.

Just go here to learn:

There is a difference between a restaurant kitchen and a private home kitchen. Restaurant kitchens can be compelled to meet tougher indoor air quality standards if they wish to keep their gas stoves.

“Three may keep a secret, if two of them are dead.” Benjamin Franklin

Over the years, I would write reviews of things I purchased on Amazon. Not many, perhaps a dozen the past few years. Perhaps it was my writing style or off the wall comments that got noticed because Amazon contacted me to join their VINE program. I have a section of anywhere from 5K to 15K number of new products to

Apple users are so gullible to part with their cash. If you work in an environment where coworkers steal from you, a $200 mug with tracker says an awful lot about you, more than any would be thief.

It’s all about the Benjamins and butts in seats for the airlines.

How do we know any of his children are biologically his?

Your ageist view belies the fact how TikTok easily gets youngins to become regular Darwin Award nominees.

Actually, anyone in the House can nominate anyone for Speaker. The Dems should take the reins and nominate Jefferies. Then come back and nominate Trump. :)

Actually, anyone in the House can nominate anyone for Speaker. The Dems should take the reins and nominate Jefferies. Then come back and nominate Trump. :)

My parents used cash stuffing long before Dave Ramsey, and long before anyone reading this was even born. It works, but requires strict discipline.

Many aircraft have a city name attached them. Perhaps this aircraft should be renamed, “City of Fargo.”

When is “retire early?” Age 25? 30? 35? 40? The article falls flat.

“It is one of the harshest sanctions a priest can receive under the church’s canon law.”

Advertisers to Musk:  “Abide by your pronouncements.  WE have skin in the game.”

Earbuds are not headphones.

Musk will weasel out of his promise. More advertisers will abandon Twitter. Tesla stock will continue to slide.

I do not believe TikTok is an honest site. I think there is surreptitious influence by the Chinese government.