
Actually I think the majority of government is corrupt and they both are here to f us over in one way or another and tend to do shady deals to increase their wealth. I Newsom is no different and though he has done somethings to support LGBT communities and the poor be has been handling many things the wrong way. Since

Looks like another dumb idea for Newsom. Newsom destroying California a day at a time. This guy loves to tax the middle class and why I live month to month in California which ends up taking half my paycheck in taxes and medical. 

I’m a big supporter of unions, but you can’t stop progress.  Jobs become obsolete, most of our jobs may end up obsolete one day.  Universal basic income is inevitable.

Exactly. And this footage was given BECAUSE SOMEONE TRIED TO STEAL THE DAMN ROBOT.

The police do that all the time...go to businesses and request footage when they are investigating a crime. Static or mobile cameras, makes no difference.

The way I described it is they have their harshness removed. The voices are identical except they sandpapered the edges off Roiland’s voice.

Yeah... I felt that too. I am trying to look at the silver lining, though; I thought the new VA for Rick kinda has more emotional range on his acting than when Roiland did it. And let me be clear, I liked Roiland's Rick, he nailed the alcoholic deranged psychopath (which sounds like default him, by the look of it)

The voices are missing that 3-packs-a-day smoking habit phlegmy quaver that they used to have. 

Hallucinations 2.0 coming at you. 

No, that’s billions that’s been burned and is not coming back.  There are some very unhappy, powerful investors out there right now.

It will fit well with Starfield then. An okay Space RPG Sim but definitely not as good as everyone expected. Hopefully they don’t let us down with the next Elder Scrolls or Fallout. 

It’s been interesting seeing Musk evolve over the years. All the people he had help with the acquisition of Twitter can not be happy. 

Heh; that immediately reminded me of the cola ad (can’t remember if it was for Pepsi or Coke, but I think it may have been Pepsi) that ran on the video release of the original “Top Gun” movie, where there’s a dispenser in the aircraft for a glass bottle, except the bottle gets stuck, so the pilot resolves the matter

This is why your not supposed to drink coffee and have open beverages in the cockpit. 

His 13.5 million in just recorded comp was not enough last year. He needs a other 20million added to that so he can order steak and lobsters and decide he’s not hungry and throw it out while more & more people go hungry and homeless each day.

I thought it was such a bad movie. I also felt it was very gloomy and dark most the movie. 

Can you even really tell the size of the main image from the article. I know it’s gone on for a long time as being a sighting of Lockness but maybe it’s miniature and someone pulling a stunt with a stick and flash light at the time.

God you’re the worst kind of faux contrarian centrist

A newspaper article about the arrest of a criminal con-man isn’t going to sway the election, you stupid twatwaffle.

Nobody even wants self driving cars. No one would buy a 100% self driving car.  The only people that want self driving cars are craphole companies like Uber that want to get out of having to pay their employees.