
Peace Maker was by far the funnest and maybe best DC Comics show tied up there with Doom Patrol. 

I am not racists and I don’t mean to sound insensitive but look at the Paul Whelan situation and Brittney Griner. Same thing happened there, a famous athlete is rushed to be saved while a marine stuck for years is left there to rott. The US politics does not seem to favor it’s own soldiers fighting for America as

The US tries to enforce the belief that they leave no one behind. Truth is unless your rich or famous they don’t seem to give a shit. If you got star power or money they will do whatever they have to.

NASA is the one who consulted them when  building the hull,

Imagine if these guys are still on their expedition and didn’t do anything after they lost communication. They are millionaires not even thinking about anyone else. Just figured they would complete their tour they paid for.

Well first thing I see wrong is they used a knockoff ps controller. I’m guessing most their parts were not the highest of quality.

You’re speaking about systemic racism and the variation of pay in different areas where one race is more prominent, which I agree exists but I am talking about something that effects all races middle class and below. In California if you make 45k or less you are likely living in your car or have a bunch of roommates

It’s not about eliminating anyone. It’s about the distribution of wealth and capitalism. Like others have said this is late stage capitalism.

This isn't a race thing

It’s the death of the American Dream. The majority of people in the world and America now realize they will never own a home or be able to afford to retire, where the thought of even having a family is out of the question. Raises used to allow people to afford homes and provide well for their family. Now many raises

I should of known Google has been stealing my app ideas off of messages when I talk about them. Damn you Google!!! I knew my idea to turn your phone into a dashcam app was to clever for you to think about integrating into Android yourselves!!

Head honchos at companies just need to pay more to writers and other hard working staff rather than giving themselves 50 million dollar raises. It’s that simple. Rich keep getting richer and middle class and poor just keep ending up poorer. All these higherups making money off the backs of cheap labor. Morality at

So whats the tax situation up there?

I know a lot of people are going to yell at me and get upset because they don’t believe I understand them but I am trying to be honest. I am all for Trans and whatever Gender you choose to identify with but only if you truely feel that way.  I believe Hollywood is trying to exploit it and market it as the cool thing

Now playing

The Graphics are too advanced to run on a MAC.

I wonder how many people with the same name can now sue. Maybe they should start a class action lawsuit. With such a common name this is ridiculous. If someone is publishing false stories they should be sued but this is not ChatGPT’s fault. They have documentation that says warns that all the info presented is not

If Apple was smart they would allow you to start making $100 dollar monthly payments now to guarantee yourself a headset upon release and then you should have like 2 years of payments or so left by the time it’s released. I think that option would lock more customers in a guarantee higher sales numbers. 

I think people were still hoping for a better value than 3500k for the lowest priced version. For the top tier model now you are probably looking at 4500k. The other problem is the sweat and having that thing on your face all day will probably require you to get extra face covers or straps, which they will most likely

Apple Rick Rolled everyone and at a starting price of $3500 for the lowest end model, I feel like we all got played. Another disappointment was all demos and features were being mocked up and there was no actual footage. We have no idea how that thing will perform or how long a battery will even last. I think it’s

I don’t trust banks either. Even if they say they are insured it can take years to recover your money. They are just as bad.