Teamster Sub

We have… means of watching TV in our house that don't require cable. Thankfully it also applies to Internet shows.

The first episode confirmed my feeling that Paget Brewster was a great addition to the cast. She has a great energy. Although she seems more like "New Jeff" than "New Shirley."

I am a fan of Frankie. As stated, it's good to have someone grounding the insanity, since Jeff has clearly given up on that task.

This discussion was days ago but I want this to have all the upvotes.

It kind of seems like they are regressing into their initial stock types, and Stan in particular has kind of become a Peter Griffin-esque moron (but a usually delightful one).

The show's not up there.

"I'm getting pretty worried about the quality of this series lately,
given how many B-plots have been totally pointless time-fillers."

My fingers trembled as I typed in And sure enough, my worst fear was founded! No Canadians allowed!

It's like his 30 Rock character (I wanna say 'Drew'?) just went crazy from having his bubble burst too many times.

You know, I'm kind of surprised The Following still gets weekly coverage. (Though as I understand it, it's the new Dexter) AD! is a decent-to-great series with a good following here on the site (a big enough following that specifically comes into WOT to bitch about them not mentioning it).

I can hear the voice of Selina Meyer cursing me on the gentle trails of the new spring wind… you fucking pricks.

I'm going to go with NBC's Problem Child mostly because it's a comedy on NBC. Tuesdays at 9.

Well sure, but the whole premise is that they're working towards getting rich, and they obviously can't as long as the series continues. Have they done a story where they try prostituting themselves yet?

I wonder how long this show's viewers can be entertained by watching the girls not get rich year after year.

I didn't know that Lapkus was supposed to have a show, but now it's all I want.

I was going to do a hashtag seasons + movie joke, only to see that as one of the tags under the article.

…Is that a thing?

"Hey, Kimmy. 1990 called and they want their clothes back!"
"Hey, Xan. 2090 called and you wasted your life on earth!"

As someone who has only seen one Star War, I retain the right to be an elitist moron.

AV Club review: Vine - "Guy plays hilarious prank on his girlfriend"
Grade: B-