Team Zissou

I just got book 3 from the library. That sounds too convenient to be a coincidence. Keep an eye out for Immortals!

I loved Darwyn Cooke enough that I still supported his Minutemen series in spite of my misgivings, but this DC/Watchmen crossover shit is just too far. I don't think there's any creator - besides Alan Moore, obviously - that could make me happy about this.

I think the fact that it was a weekly book made it harder to predict. Stores tend to order less of each subsequent issue and it's easy for a reader to jump ship from a weekly because the buying commitment is so high, so I think they did that just to stay on the safe side.

I'd stop right after the Gulag story ends, which is the exact point where Steve takes back the Captain America role. I think it depends on how much you're enjoying Bucky as a character, but I loved that story because it kind of completes his redemption. Plus Chris Samnee does some of the art!

I used to really like him when he was the intimidating, all-powerful monarch who could perfectly lead an entire species without saying a single world. His marriage to Medusa was key to that characterization, as the couple who trusted each other so implicitly that she could execute his intentions without them ever

It's not so bad that I feel like it's holding me hostage at this point, but I keep reading even though I know it's not great. At this point it's just like checking up with some people I used to know, except I've grown far apart from them while they're essentially the same.

The Black Mirror feels like it's written by a completely different creator. I also think that Snyder tends to tailor his writing to the artist's style, and Capullo is great at bombastic action but not really suited for the subtle, dreading horrors of Jock & Francavilla. I still loved Capullo's New 52 Batman run, but

The Inhumans are made to look like the "good guys" because they apparently go out of their way to warn and evacuate any mutants once the Terrigen cloud gets near a major city. The main crux of IvX is that Beast figures out that there are only 2 weeks left before the Terrigen makes Earth completely uninhabitable to

Quantum & Woody is great! Vol. 3 and 4 have artwork that is more similar to the first volume, so they will probably fit your tastes better. Vol. 4 is actually drawn by Steve Lieber, the artist of The Fix and Superior Foes of Spider-Man, which is just a perfect match for comedy. Definitely worth finishing if you

I've only read Byrne's first FF omnibus. It took awhile for me to get into the groove because it wasn't quite as fun as I thought it would be. The tone of the FF seemed like it generally got more lighthearted over time, so I was initially a bit put off by the more formal approach. Eventually, the art becomes

If you loved Divinity:

His mom didn't know before Secret Wars. A big part of the drama near the end of the series was Miles keeping the secret from his dad, who had even more reason to hate Spider-Man than he did before due to his involvement in the mom's death.

Yeah, can't blame you. I'm really happy he landed at Valiant because they've made him one of their main architects over there. It seems like he was ready to break out at Marvel and DC but they didn't know what to do with him and he floundered as a result.

The current Nova is a good example of that. The whole family is cool with it (his dad was a Nova) and the latest series has a fun mentor dynamic with Richard Rider who feels like he's out of a Big Brother program.

If you're ever curious about more Kindt work at Valiant, I'd suggest checking out Divinity. It's like an indie book in superhero skin, with really interesting use of time and structure to tell the story. It's pretty standalone too.

Tom King tweeted the other day that some forward-thinking colleges are already teaching The Vision!

I don't think so. They've been pretty focused on the X-Men perspective so far.

There was something strangely VERY satisfying about seeing the X-Men take down those D-list nobodies in such efficient fashion.

The "everyone hates Scott Summers" storyline gets way dumber after you find out what he actually did during Death of X.

Buffy Season 10 Vol. 6 - And that wraps up another uneven yet readable season of this comic. It feels like each season tries to fix the errors of previous ones while inadvertently stumbling into new ones. This one had a solid main conflict while occasionally overdoing it with the melodrama on the character plots.