Team Zissou

The funniest part is how you nod in agreement as you read it, "Me too."

There wasn't a big controversy or anything, but he became very outspoken on twitter against the hiring practices at the Big Two and their ongoing employment of known harassers. He alluded big time to a few names that he could expose to the public (Some speculated Nathan Edmondson as one of them) but didn't pull the

Back then, it seemed like the intention was to stay loyal to following the character(s) and not the creators. I only noticed whenever there was a new creative team that I drastically liked or disliked more than the previous one, but they definitely wanted you to keep buying a book and they avoided resolving

The really strange thing is that I got into comics and started reading FF with the terrible 90's DeFalco run that followed Byrne and picked up some of his threads. Well, mostly just "Johnny married a skrull!" revelation. Surprisingly, I LOVED the FF and it was probably my favorite book at the time. I can't believe

At this point I'm convinced that comedians make terrible comic book writers. I've read too many fill-ins by the likes of Wayne Brady and Scott Aukerman lately to be convinced otherwise.

Stan Lee is the most compelling "character" in that book. Who knows if it's a completely accurate portrayal of him in real life, but it's certainly a great interpretation: a guy who grew up poor and was always striving for greatness and legitimacy. I didn't know quite how much he tried to escape comics and find

They've already announced the next event too (Secret Empire), which is about par for the course. Marvel has decided that their line can only stay afloat with the temporary boosts gained from events, so it's been an endless cycle and I feel like the gap has gotten smaller in between them. I feel like things got really

Great write-up that was definitely worth the wait! From your description, I really do want to check out at least the first Generations book. For a long period of time, Byrne seemed like one of the most reliable and consistently good creators where he could do no wrong. I didn't discover him until I was a bit older

The launch of Wolverine & the X-Men was the last time I was excited by the potential in a new direction for the X-line. I was really disappointed when they made Bendis the head writer on the books and decided that Aaron's book would be the third-tier title after Bendis' two main books. You could just tell from a

They just announced the next big event - Secret Empire - and it's seemingly based on Spencer's HydraCap so I'm assuming he's taking the lead on that one. Avengers Standoff was ok I guess? Good luck to him, though I haven't been a fan of HydraCap so I'm not too excited.

It's a shame that Ales Kot will likely never work for the Big Two ever again. I really liked his voice on those books and he's one of those writers who benefits from having a little bit more editorial oversight, as evidenced by his sloppier creator-owned book. It seemed like he slammed the door on his way out though,

The build-up to Secret Invasion was significantly more interesting than the actual main event, in which I don't remember anything besides the heroes running around lost in the Savage Land for half of the issues.

What are your Clone Conspiracy thoughts so far?

I've had thoughts similar to yours often. You don't have to feel like you must personally sustain the entire business on your own.


Ok cool. How about next Tuesday for Comics Panel? Or we can postpone it indefinitely just so that you keep hanging around to ask about it!

What are you talking about? The Daredevil monthly reached its final conclusion last year with Matt happy with Kristen and Foggy in San Francisco. ;)

Crap, you're actually up today! Sorry I haven't posted the schedule lately due to the holidays and lack of big posts. I'll post the schedule again when I have a chance.

I don't know if I'll ever be able to cut off issues completely. Because I mostly read books in tpb and digital these days, there's a certain sense of satisfaction I get from holding an issue or tracking down the last issues to complete an old beloved run.

For most back issues, the effort of putting them up for sale and shipping them is worth far less than actually shipping them! I appreciate that in NY, most of the time I can just leave my copies on the stoop and some random local will pick them up within an hour. It's more satisfying to just hand them to someone who