Team Zissou

King's Batman dialogue has gotten really clunky lately, right? There were some beautiful images in this issue - particularly the early double page spread on the rooftops - but the on-the-nose dialogue and puns kept knocking it down a few points. It reminded me of the other recent clunker where Batman just repeated the

I'm nearly giving up on monthlies too! Too expensive, and while I was at my parents' house I was going through great pains to get rid of a lot of back issues for the eventual day I'll have to move them. At least with trades you can donate them to the library. I have stacks of issues that I do not want and can't

I gave my brother a VF copy of Uncanny X-Men #141 (Days of Future Past first issue) and it was a delight to see him open it. I even recorded a video and it's hilarious to see his eyebrows go up as he says "Wow!"

Yay it's good to be back! What did you guys read the last two weeks?

I've tried to get into the show several times but couldn't make it past few episodes, but I've really wanted to watch the stretch with Darth Maul in it. Is there a particular selection of episodes I should watch or start with?

I'm really curious about this new iteration of Avengers just solely based on his artwork. He's a way more experimental kind of artist than they usually put on a book like this. It looks significantly more interesting than the previous volume with art by Adam Kubert.

She's been doing more work on female-led books over at Dynamite, from what I understand. It seems she's purposefully taking a step back from traditional superheroes at the moment.

The best thing about Wolverine's death was how it surprisingly made such little impact on the x-books and the Marvel Universe at large, in spite of him being a featured member on 2 out of every 3 teams.

Yeah it's great! My only worry from time to time is that it might end up crossing the like too far at depicting misery towards its characters a la The Walking Dead, but volume 2 made me feel Lemire is more committed to fleshing out the players and giving them full arcs. After he managed to thread the needle in the

The out of nowhere posting of this review threw me off guard too, since I was happy to jump into this show blind and then halfway through the series I saw the "Unfortunate Bang" headline and C rating and found myself unable to resist waiting for a moment for the show to jump the shark.

The dilemma with getting Jessica back into a usable state is that she was most interesting when she was down on her luck and on the fringes of the superhero community. It seems they had to break her down a bit to get her a title again, but I don't blame them: no one knew what to do with her for over a decade and her

Evil C-3PO is fun under Gillen's writing, but I can't shake the feeling that he's just a bland ripoff of HK-47 from the KOTOR games. HK at least showed some pathos behind his programmed sociopathic tendencies, but that might be the advantage of hearing voice dialogue rather than written.

I feel like there's not many reasons to root for her yet. She worked in Darth Vader as comic relief and then fit into the drama well due to the narrative tension of whether or not Vader would kill her. Once that threat was removed, she's just kind of… a snarky jerk? I remember thinking she flat out did not work as a

For me, I think the negative perception of the Dark Horse Star Wars books comes from the fact that there was just so many of them that it seemed that not enough quality control was happening. There were some gems in the line-up (I personally loved the What If?-style Infinities stories) but it was a lot harder to

I remember buying this series when it first came out. At the time, Millar had infamously split from DC over censorship of the collected versions of his Authority run. Red Son was delayed for so long that it came out long after Millar had criticized DC and he had already moved over to Marvel to work on the Ultimate

I found the first issue of the Aphra series to be a little underwhelming, but I'll hold out on the jury just like Tim here for now. I wasn't too invested in the Vader series until Gillen's talent for long-term plotting started to unveil itself. I'll keep reading because I'd be happy if the comics can create some

The Darth Vader series is the only one that I think is completely worth it so far. And it just completed so you know there's an end point! You'll have to dip into the main Star Wars series for a couple issues during the Vader Down crossover but it's worth it.

The same thing is often true for Hollywood blockbusters though. They have to have the big set pieces in place because it takes way longer to prep them than they often have time to write. Recently, Star Trek Beyond had a rushed production schedule and Justin Lin said he had to make decisions immediately before he could

He's playing Ninjak in a new web series where he fights the entire Valiant Universe of characters! I'm excited.

Your movie sounds much better, and I can imagine the bait-and-switch working like in the trailer for Red Eye.