Team Zissou

The script was on the Black List, so it might have looked very different at the screenplay stage. A lot of stinkers are a part of the Black List though so it's hard to tell.

He appears in the trailers! For no other point than "Oh, Morpheus is in this…?"

He's very lucky that GotG was his breakout role. I was surprised when I thought about it and realized that he had never headlined a movie before. On the big screen, I had only seen him as a supporting actor in middling comedies (Take Me Home Tonight, Delivery Man, Five Year Engagement) or prestige dramas (Moneyball,

In his various recorded Q&A specials, there's one where he goes into detail about how difficult it was working with Bruce Willis on Cop Out.

Really? That would make a lot of sense. The modern day segments seem to be the most despised element of the games and the franchise's refusal to let them go has made me stay pretty far away from them. When they announced the film adaptation, I had hoped they would jettison the modern stuff and keep it as a period

Black Vortex felt more like a Sam Humphries-driven crossover based on his Legendary Star-Lord series. There was actually a time when it seemed he was being primed for bigger things, such as taking over the headlining X-Men title. I have absolutely no idea why.

I'm just about to start the 4th collection of the Ostrander run. I'd say I really started to enjoy it around the time of the Nightshade Odyssey story in the 2nd collection. The book weaves in many different characters for the standalone missions but somehow manages to juggle an impressive number of character subplots

She was fulfilling her dad's final wish. That's what made her so passionate - her love for her parents and their sacrifice was the one thing she was holding onto. It worked for me, but I wouldn't have minded an extra scene that made that transition more visible.

I have those same hardcovers and I love them. From what I understand though, there are one-shots like this new one that haven't been collected yet, am I right?

It should be mentioned that his Catwoman run hits a weird point where they tried to change the tone of the book in order to get bigger sales numbers. It transitions from the unique cartoonish style you see with Cooke, Stewart, and the like and instead becomes grittier with artwork by Paul Gulacy.

That's really too bad and exactly what I feared. Overlong action scenes in superhero cartoons are what usually make me feel like I'm not the intended audience for these things. Even in the best DC animated films, I tend to get the most bored during the action scenes. There's just always kind of same-y and tiresome.

I've enjoyed Ostrander's Suicide Squad run just because I've been following it in trades from the library. I probably wouldn't be buying it if that was my only option. When it comes to library comics, I don't mind skimming or outright skipping entire issues if I get bored. The point I'm at is really fun. I'd say every

Hey friend, Brubaker is my favorite writer and I'll tell you what I think should be your next reads. He has so many great books but I think these ones will tell you what he's most capable of:

I'm not finished with the series quite yet and am following it in collections. The time-jumping narrative device confuses me. Are the prison sequences supposed to be set in the "modern" day after the 6-month gap that followed Secret Wars? It seems like it's supposed to be that way, since the "flashbacks" pretty much

Pretty bummed this week. A math teacher in my department abruptly quit mid-year. He's going to finish until the holidays and then not come back after the break. We're not likely to find a strong candidate before the end of the school year, so we've decided to split up his teaching schedule and take on the additional

Pretty much all of Azzarello's Batman writing has fallen flat for me, outside of the Flashpoint version of the character. Broken City was a garbage story that seemed to miss the point of the character entirely. I can only remember one really odd scene where Bruce Wayne is casually standing around in a kitchen cooking

Astonishing Ant-Man Vol. 2: Small Time Criminal - This whole thinly veiled Uber vs. Lyft plotline about rival Henchman apps is the most entertained I've ever been when it comes to a comic book story about modern technology. I guess it's because most Big Two comics tend to be by older dudes, and Nick Spencer is

It at least sounds like a unique premise and one of the rare titles that doesn't exist just to carry name brand recognition for its MCU characters. It also kind of sounds like a rehash/updated version of DC's Hard Travelling Heroes" though?

African Warlord - Has no reason to be in this movie, but at least he stands out
Comedic Sidekick #1 - Unfunny. Follows Goldblum around then latches on to African Warlord.
Comedic Sidekick #2 - There's TWO of these guys?! Unfunny. This one is a pilot and shows no redeeming qualities and gets with the Asian girl in spite

I was severely disappointed that Goldblum felt like he had way too little screen time. The trailers led me to believe that he'd be the lead (which would make sense!), but instead he's just one of the 700 unnecessary supporting characters in the movie.