Team Zissou

I'm a #1 Cyclops fanboy like you and I agree that he's been the driving figure in the X-books for the last several years before being unceremoniously killed off. The X-books are just so directionless when you consider that we're currently reading an X-Men status quo where Xavier, Cyclops, and Wolverine are all dead.

It's definitely at the top of my list! I feel like I'm following up with so many Image books these days though that I might just wait until it's all finished and they collect it in some fancier hardcovers. I wish I had done the same with a lot of other Image books (Lazarus, all the Brubaker/Phillips titles).

I've been a fan since then too, and I was waiting for a long time for him to get on a creator-owned book. Descender has been well worth the wait.

My main problem is that they launched a Captain America book that has a version of the character that's so altered that I can't even relate to him or understand his motivations anymore. He just comes off as a complete cypher, which makes sense with the Kobik retcon but doesn't make for compelling storytelling.

I've been disappointed by Spencer's work on the Cap books as of late. The HydraCap story just isn't working for me at all and feels like yet another failed attempt to recapture the "Good Guy Gone Bad" magic of Superior Spider-Man. I'm frankly surprised by how essential it's been to the main Civil War 2 storyline

It actually surprises me that people want the regular Wolverine to come back. I'm so tired of that character and how overexposed and forced his presence has felt.

Bloodshot Reborn and Descender are my favorite current books Lemire is writing. I like them even more than Old Man Logan — which I also like!

I feel that that book's problems have more to do with the terrible status quo that he's been saddled with, and we can add him to the lengthy list of decent-to-great writers who have tried to steer the book but fell under the strains of editorial decrees.

I recently decided that I'm 100% done with Lobdell. This has been an easy decision for a lot of people, but I'm bummed out because I was planning to revisit his original Generation X run with Chris Bachalo - possibly using it as a Love Fest candidate.

I love Descender too! I wish it got more attention. That painted Dustin Nguyen art is like nothing else on the shelves right now.

Jerome Opena has a similar stance on his work on Uncanny X-Force. When you think about much $$$ these guys could make on selling these original works, it's pretty amazing that they've chosen to hold on to them — it's a clear sign that those specific runs were just THAT personally meaningful to them.

Here you go. It's called Amazon Household.


I have the same problem.

He's at least on it at the beginning. I'm not sure if he's on it until the end. It seems like a 15-20 issue mega-story so it's hard for me to tell. Can anyone confirm?

He's… ok? I know that he was in a side project with the leads from Islands and Mister Heavenly and that they went on tour together. He doesn't exactly look effortless when he plays, but he seems to know what he's doing. Honestly, at this show there were so many performers on stage whenever he was on that you couldn't

Thanks bud!

This was incredibly helpful! Thank you so much. I think I might check out the updated version then — I don't have as much nostalgia for the sprites so maybe I won't mind.

My brother's renewing my Marvel Unlimited+ account and I hope to make full use of it this upcoming year and then cancel it afterwards. You get a special gift box with a few random variants plus a Marvel Legends figure. The first one I got was pretty meh (a shoddy Rescue figure), but this new one comes with an awesome

It’s a clear attempt to drag Robbie into the core of the 616 universe, an unsteady journey and belatedly parallel to his inclusion in Agents Of S.H.I.E.L.D., where he was caught in an emo contest with Daisy Johnson.