Team Zissou

It was my birthday this past weekend and I had a fun series of mini-events. The highlight was probably seeing one of my favorite bands, Islands, at the 10th anniversary concert for their first album. I convinced too many people to go with me and everyone was delighted when one of the "surprise guests" turned out to be

2 Sisters - My first experience reading a Matt Kindt book where he's in writer/artist mode and I was pretty let down by the results. I've liked his work on the Valiant titles, but judging by this one book his writer/artist style feels like a significantly less effective version of Jeff Lemire or the Norwegian

Dark Night is certainly great, and a must read for any fan of Batman TAS. His use of Batman's rogues as his inner demons shows how much he nails the depiction of the characters, plus I loved how there was a subplot about writing Mask of the Phantasm!

Doesn't the Steam release have a fast forward function and an option to turn off random battles? I'm pretty tempted for a revisit because of those modern updates.

I'm glad that someone else has love for III! I think it's partly because I played the DS remake and my mind was blown when I realized I could play a FF game with PS1-level graphics on a handheld. I didn't mind how grindy it was: it just came to me at the right time.

I usually enjoy the side characters more too! During the PS1 era, Cid Highwind was my favorite in FFVII and Vivi is the almost unanimous pick for best character in FFIX.

Totally legitimate question for others who have played the Steam/Android version that everyone hates visually:

Hi PG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I can't believe that Newsarama used to be my #1 source for comic book articles on the web. I was pretty young but eventually I noticed how light and fluffy their posts were: they all basically exist just to share some product for the big companies and I felt that the site design became antiquated almost instantly.

Is there a Uniqlo anywhere near you? Or you can shop online. They have the best deals often and their basics are always great. One scarf is on sale for $5.90 right now!

I absolutely loved Arrival. It was probably my favorite moviegoing experience of the year. I have to admit it's because I cried my balls off and I did not expect it at all.

My tip for buying boots: spend as much as you're willing to spend based on how often you'll be wearing them. For me, I find that in NYC we only get a decent snow a couple of times and more often big rains. Even then, I probably wear them maybe 5 times a year, so I'm glad I found a cheap pair of Sketcher's boots on a

I'm late to the party! But that's because it's my birthday and I've been keeping myself busy. I went on a field trip today with the senior students to this big indoor trampoline park. Now I'm waiting to meet some friends for dinner.

For me, it might be the sequence in the beginning where Kubo uses his origami to tell the story of Hanzo and the challenges he surmounted. It may have been clunky exposition but I was so enamored by the visuals and the inventiveness of the storytelling that I completely forgave it. Definitely my favorite 3D experience

I haven't even seen it brought up yet, but my wife and I were especially grossed out by how Barry just signed her on a lease to a new shared apartment without even asking her if she was ready to move in with him! That is super messed up, and just goes back to the Season 1 B.S. where all the male characters have to

I really hated the ending of Twelve where all the big movie stars come together and have a giant party, right after the "f*** you!" twist that the protagonists have already had the MacGuffin for nearly the whole movie*. It just made me so uncontrollably angry. It was like Adam Sandler's "location filming as paid

I saw the Spider-Man musical during its last two weeks or so of performances. I was disappointed when I found out that Carney had left about 3 months prior.

When I saw X-Men: Apocalypse, Alexandra Shipp appeared in the little AMC intro.

Ehhh thought I'd play it safe. It's clearly meant to be a surprise in the movie and I believe that most sites just reported that he'd be in the sequel (without spoiling the cameo in the first one). You're probably right though — everyone reading this thread already knows or doesn't care.

You're forgetting about the greatest scourge of them all: pre-teasers at the start of online trailers.