Team Zissou

Sean Penn

There are people who actually like his recent appearance in Fantastic Beasts & Where to Find Them, including the in-laws I watched the movie with. Looking at different movie sites I read, you would think that his cameo was universally despised. I'm definitely in that club, but we often forget that we're a small slice

I was disappointed that Brie Larsen doesn't have any lines in it and is seemingly only there for eye candy. She has an Academy Award, you sexist jerks!

I love watching Malick trailers - probably more than watching Malick movies! I haven't seen Knight of Cups or To The Wonder and reviews suggest I haven't missed much, but man those trailers are powerful.

The lack of a LEGO Movie nod is an abomination, but I'm fine with HTTYD2 getting the win just as long as it counts as a retroactive win for the first one. C'mon — the Oscar voters pull this kind of shit all the time! I'm going to let it slide for my favorite CG animated movie (again, I'm talking about the first one).

… There was another convention in the greater NYC area? Damn it! I've been hankering for another con ever since I missed NYCC two months ago (for my wedding… *rolls eyes*).

I was shocked when I went to an AMC and they showed a full blown trailer for the game. Ok, it was during the pre-show during the real trailers, but it still got me excited for the game and visually made it look spectacular.

I haven't played it yet, but FFXV just came out last week to stellar reviews.

Well, crap. That's too bad.

Has barely done anything but is somehow already in 2nd place for "Most Charismatic Hemsworth." Poor Gale.

At this point it seems like she's dead. She disappeared in an episode-ending cliffhanger, and then we've only seen her twice since then in quick flashes where she's getting choked by Bernard. Given how encounters with Bernard have gone before and Ford's disinterest in human life when it gets in the way of his goals,

I listened to a quickie podcast (Kotaku Splitscreen) debriefing the finale last night and one of the guys said that this was a show that would have benefited from the "all at once" Netflix binge model. Given how the internet culture changed the way the show was seen (and not necessarily in a good way), I'm inclined to

I got the sense that he was a bit in love or at least infatuated with her. That was a feeling I had throughout the scenes with Maeve's crew walking through the hallways killing people. He seemed to be in awe and would rather be on her side than against her, seeing what happens to those people. It was most apparent in

I live not too far from Harlem, so it was exciting to see the neighborhood get its own take in the MCU. I actually got to go to the show's premiere and see the first two episodes on the big screen for a fan event, so I may have been a little seduced by watching it in actual Harlem at the Magic Johnson Theater. Those

I have a soft spot for Daredevil S2 because it was entertaining from beginning to end, with the best use of mini-arcs to make the storytelling more exciting on an episode-by-episode basis. It was a stark contrast to the other shows (and even S1), where I often found my mind wandering off during the first few episodes

They kind of pull shit like this all the time, which matches a lot of stories with Ike Perlmutter being notoriously stingy with their corporate money.

I really should check out this documentary, but I just wanted to chime in on "Jim Lee: Nicest Man in the World."

Supernovas is probably the peak of Carey's whole run. That story was followed by a Messiah Complex prologue that blew up that badass team way too quickly, then the huge crossover itself, and then it stopped being a team book as it focused on Xavier and then Rogue. Eventually it became a team book again, but it didn't

See the other thread discussing them!

The most perplexing part: Why are the Guardians of the Galaxy in this story?*