Team Zissou

Dark Reign was really cool, but it's hard to follow because it's not exactly a defined story but more of an ongoing status quo. There are probably more detailed descriptions elsewhere, but I'd generally say the important titles are:

Ghost is a pretty great character and I'm disappointed that he's basically a regular Iron Man (and sometimes Spider-Man) villain again.

I need to read those classics, especially the Starlin stuff. I can't believe I've never read Infinity Gauntlet in full.

I've always preferred Cannonball as a young, Cyclops-type leader among a group of peers. That's why I'm writing about the recent New Mutants title for my Love Fest entry.

The story, characters, and dialogue are exactly what you'd expect from the movie. There's a few new songs thrown in there to make it a full musical: some are duds but 1 or 2 are worthy additions. It's mainly worth seeing for the amazing production design and the quality of the live singing. I still can't wrap my head

Hahahahah! That sounds wonderful!

I think that I have a weird appreciation for the Rogue/Gambit/Joseph triangle and the characters themselves just because they were so cool and lovable when drawn by Joe Mad. It's probably out of nostalgic blindness to writing quality.

I've never read any of the original Kamandi stories, but I loved the serialization by Ryan Sook in Wednesday Comics. Are the Kirby stories worth checking out?

Post it here and I'm sure we'll check it out!

I hate owning the initial collections where they don't realize until much later on that people will want these extras. I probably have the same Nextwave editions as you. I also have the first run of JiM trades where they didn't realize until halfway through that they should be including the recap pages, which had

Not to hijack your thread, but:

I know others have slagged it around these parts, but I looooooved the first Harbinger series in the reboot. It's like a very dark take on the X-Men. The essential idea is what if you discovered you were born with powers but then you got mentored by the absolute wrong person? What if Professor X was a megalomaniac who

It was a really cool idea for a single storyline. I remember a lot of confusion at the time — like, what? This is the premise for an entire series?

I'm going to hop on and complain about Death of X as well.

Some suggestions:

I really enjoyed The Hiketeia - especially that J.G. Jones artwork - but the ending really rubbed me the wrong way in light of my recent depictions of DC characters. After watching superheroes as selfish, destructive assholes in Batman v. Superman, I was really bothered by The Hiketeia's ending where the heroes are so

I have a different opinion of the series, but I'll just add that the whole rape plot actually does recur as a mistake that the protagonist can never outlive, and the other characters (particularly Kris) never let him forget it. It's unfortunate that you don't see Kris again until the second story arc, which leaves a

Oh, I have read Avengers Forever a few years before getting to this! It's incredible, and wordy in a way that is actually thought-provoking, unlike what I'm finding in most of the regular Avengers run. The Pacheco artwork in that book is also stellar.

So far, Morgan Le Fay's opening story was solid and Ultron was amazing. Madame Masque was interesting although Count Nefaria - the actual villain in her plot - was a typical snooze. Everything else has felt like a dud to me. The absolute worst was the group of villains who followed the Ultron story. Some super boring

What's most annoying about the "traditional" lineups are that they are the same characters we've been following since Secret Wars ended. There's so many great X-Men characters and the spotlight has felt very constrained lately*. That's what makes the continued pushing of the O5 so maddening.