Team Zissou

I don't think it's too hard to follow. You start with the Siege: Loki one-shot and then move to JiM from there. The tie-ins aren't so bad, and all you really need to know about Fear Itself is that there's some huge event happening elsewhere and that Loki is doing something that influences the outcome and allows the

The book is notable because of his spot-on portrayals of the central characters who haven't received much love since the start of the New 52. Batwoman, Stephanie, Cassandra, and especially Tim have gotten updated personalities that prove why they're essential to the Bat family. Clayface hasn't been used or developed

Crap, I might have spoiled something that's an issue or two away from you. My bad. I'll edit it with spoiler tags. Sorry!

I believe Jack's only post-series appearance was a cameo at a funeral in 52.

Journey Into Mystery by Gillen, with a beautiful ending in which the book's unique incarnation of a corporate-owned character has to sacrifice himself for the greater good. But there's an even deeper commentary on the inability for characters to ever "complete" their character arcs in serialized storytelling and just

If only Watchmen was so lucky.

Which mystery? The central one with DD getting his secret identity back? It's left an ugly taste in my mouth, especially the twist with all of his previous love interests having their memories changed so that they cheated on Matt Murdock with Daredevil. There's something so assault-y about it that makes DD look even

The most amazing thing is that Robinson retired the character and DC and their stable of writers actually honored his wish! You never see that anymore, and it allows that run to continue aging well. The entire run of Starman is better than any single run of, say, Spider-Man — and he's my favorite character.

I guess you could stretch further and call Secret Wars #8 the "definitive" end for the FF run because it certainly works as a conclusion for those characters.

I probably ceded a little bit too much to popular opinion when I said that - there's a reason he's referred to as Blue Valentine's Derek Cianfrance. It's simply the movie that seemed to leave more of a cultural impact and basically delivered on what was promised.

It's disappointing to hear that this one didn't pan out. I loved both of Cianfrance's previous films. Blue Valentine is obviously the better of the two, but I might like The Place Beyond the Pines more just for the sheer ambition of it. It definitely doesn't reach its goals, but the end of the first act - and the

He has said his biggest influence on making the show was Before Sunset. You know, the hilarious Linklater comedy?

It's hard to believe that Peter Jackson was able to pull off such a miracle with those Extended Editions for the LotR movies. On top of mounting 3 large-scale blockbuster productions simultaneously, he had the time to coordinate the shooting of extra scenes and complete the special effects for the sole purpose of

The breathe glimpse of the water effects in the first video only leaves me asking more questions. I could have sworn they were completely CGI in the final film. I've heard that Laika uses CGI to assist in some of the transitions. Did they basically just airbrush the hell out of these practical effects until it

Adding on to item #2: Monkey knows she is going to die soon due to fading magic, so she avoids telling Kubo the secret in an attempt to spare him from going through the same pain again.

… Spoilers!

I actually had to read through the Inferno synopsis to figure out that that wasn't Zooey Deschanel in the picture — and I've had a huge Felicity Jones crush since Like Crazy!

That scene is unsurprisingly polarizing for viewers. It's either the best or the worst part of the entire film. I fall into the former camp, but people have told me I'm crazy.

They've really struggled with making new characters work, hence the recent doubling down of legacy characters with diverse backgrounds.

I feel like that one plotting decision has made the New Warriors name basically toxic/radioactive in comics. It's like most people can't hear the title without thinking, "Oh. THESE assholes?"