Team Zissou

With the voice of Furiosa!

I believe that each of their films has turned a profit, albeit a modest one. The consistent performance shows that there's definitely a dedicated audience, but it's not growing big enough. From what I understand, Laika is owned by the co-founder of Nike and it's pretty much driven by passion. The director of Kubo,

Honestly, the comics cycle back on Peter's guilt so often that it's pretty much a routine in the storytelling at this point. Every time Spider-Man feels responsible for a new death, he internally recaps every thing he feels shitty for.

"Then again, we are never going to see Hanks on a horse."

I've seen both. Pete's Dragon is definitely more kid-friendly. As an adult, I found it to be predictable and perfectly okay, but I didn't really get what all the praise is about.

These characters just never stop talking about their damn feelings. It reminds me of the same Christos Gage tone I actually enjoyed in Avengers Academy, but once applied to Buffy characters it gets annoying. The inability to let things go makes the cast more frustrating because you know they'll never get it together.

Just got back and I have to say I loved it. I never thought I'd ever see a stop motion anime / JRPG that brought back the best feelings of my youth. It's gotta be my favorite movie of the summer.

I definitely thought of it as a stop motion Japanese RPG. I loved the almost shameless tribute to that kind of mythical storytelling. The middle of the movie is basically a series of fetch quests, but I didn't even notice because I was enjoying it so much.

I didn't realize you were Belgian!

It first introduces the Bridge, so I'm happy it starts off the omnibus collections because that one aspect is important. The story itself is slight though and the Dark Avengers don't factor into the ongoing story at all, so I agree that that part feels a little clunky in the grand scheme.

DC's doing a good job of reprinting their 90s and early 00s runs. Hopefully sales will maintain so that we can eventually get that far in collections. I really want to own Paul Dini's similarly rare and out of print Zatanna series.

I have the B&W white that came out before. Totally worth it and it's one of my favorite books in my collection.

My biggest expenses are omnibuses, which usually range in the $40-60 range when I catch them on sale. The 50% first week discount at instocktrades is crucial. They're a great deal most of the time though because they don't end up costing more than individual issues but you get the oversized format.

Not a bad experience per se, but I just wanted to point out my biggest pet peeve: cashiers who don't know how to handle comics.

You can get individual issues at the library? Is this NYPL?

Will do!

Hey! What'd you read this week?

I have a bad feeling this is going to get ugly. Race stuff aside, just take a look at the last time they tried to cast Mary Jane in a film. The internet got a hold of some leaked photos and everyone just ripped them apart in spite of the actress having the red hair down. Just lots of shameful comments about how she

The X-Men one is great. Dennis Hopeless and Jamie McKelvie!

SIXIS was meant to be a single arc in Uncanny Avengers that wrapped up the Red Skull plotline that Remender was weaving. Instead, it blew out of proportion and toppled his entire run. He didn't seem happy about it.