Team Zissou

Death of nuSuperman reminds me of the deaths of Bart Allen and Superboy a few years back, which were driven more by corporate reasons than storytelling ones. I remember finding it painful when they got killed off because it seemed very unfair. I guess things were okay when they eventually got back, but for a time I

I'm definitely interested, but (1) I think I need to keep that long weekend available for last-minute wedding planning, (2) I really hate the bus ride between NYC and Maryland. My fiancee is from MD so we go out there a few times throughout the year for holidays and family stuff. Coming back from a weekend through the

It's a decent film that gets slagged for being one of the frequently cited "lesser" MCU films. Even if they are at the bottom of the pack - Iron Man 2, Thor 2, Incredible Hulk - they're at least coherent and a good time compared to most other superhero offerings outside of the MCU. Basically, if I catch one of them on

The comparisons to Saga make a lot of sense. The artwork alone has many similarities. The differences in tone are subtle but there. Rat Queens is a bit more anarchic and designed for a good romp. Saga is more ambitious with a wider scope, though I'd say its adult content occasionally feels forced.

I'd say the gag about Thor riding the actual Tube in London added a lot of fun to the setting. Made the whole thing worth it for me.

Weekdays could work too. Let's see what we can do.

The saddest thing about Sins Past, to me, is that JMS tried to retcon it away during One More Day but they wouldn't let him.

The original Civil War sold like hotcakes though, and Marvel successfully managed to patch the delays with one-shots and minis that tied into the main book. Without those delays, we wouldn't have gotten the Winter Soldier: Winter Kills or the Casualties of War one-shot that set up the Immortal Iron Fist run. These

The ground floor of the DCEU is literally about common people adjusting to the idea of not only Superman but aliens in general.

In defense of MCU locations, I really enjoyed how the first Iron Man and Ant-Man movies distinguished themselves by obviously being set (and filmed) in Malibu and San Francisco, respectively. I even liked the use of title cards to establish location in Civil War — it made the film feel really big, and was especially

Sounds great! Also: next weekend (8/19-8/21) would be a good time for me. My fiancee will be out of town so I'll be on my own.

I figured out the system by doing something I normally wouldn't do: going to a library and asking how it works.

I mostly couldn't stand Phonogram for the exact reasons cited above, but found that The Wicked + The Divine was way more accessible and engaging. A few of the characters are insufferable, but this time they're supposed to be written that way!

That Old Man Logan mini suffered from a common weakness with Bendis' writing: having characters run around and get confused without there being much of a plot. The first issue is pretty well-executed in setting up the story, and then the remaining issues are just Logan wandering aimlessly between worlds and getting

The current Spider-Man 2099 book is really… odd. It's got enough of that signature PAD style to make the individual issues readable, but I don't really understand the long-term plotting on the title and the supporting cast is surprisingly weak for how long this book has stuck around. It's like he's been expecting the

I think the stagey feeling of the MCU is due to the fact that the movies usually don't film in the locations they're supposed to be set, so instead of New York we're getting Cleveland or Atlanta trying to approximate New York. I'd say that the Netflix shows so far are doing a much better job of channeling a real sense

That's the store I suggested to Power Girl recently. Cool! I'll drop by some time if I'm in the area.

Today is the last day I have off for the summer and I report back to work on Monday. It's always a bummer, but I shouldn't complain since teachers have so many vacation days built into the schedule.

I might have missed an update. Which comic store are you at now?

I haven't read Alan Moore's Swamp Thing though I know I'll probably love it. I just imagine it will be dense and take a long time to get through the full run. I'll get to it eventually.