
If I type a comment here spellcheck works, if I post on Huffpo it doesn’t. I don’t know why but it could explain why you see misspellings. 

Well don’t get me started on autocorrrct, which automatically corrects you and people still can’t get it either which I’m not even sure how that’s possible, and how did we even get by before autocorrect oh yeah we had to know things, and the only corrections we had were by teachers breathing down our necks, in which

No one gets affect/effect right. Or imply/infer. And don’t get me started on nonplussed!

As a boy with Ivy League advanced degrees, I can honestly say that slamming into your friends like apes on the playground was really fucking fun.

I don’t know what age I was, but I know that once I started drinking bourbon is when I knew I was smarter than everyone else on the planet.

I think the majority of the population are nowhere near feeling their personal comfort and stability are worth jeopardising with actual literal insurrection. I’m not sure how bad things would have to get before Joe and Jane Average actually grab the nearest weapon and take to the streets. And I’d frankly prefer you

Now playing

God, it is sad the Red Scare-era quotes are still so relevant, but:

Oh lucky you. I’ve been here on Kinja coming up on probably 8 or 9 years and I’m STILL in the greys on Jez. I’m ungreyed everywhere else but still grey here. Maybe I’ll get ungreyed in another 8 or 9 years.

Holy Baked Potato

Oops, missed one:

Personally, this one is king of worst fonts for me.

There are so many fonts worse than century gothic. But also, somebody farther down sort of pointed this out but, that handwritten script trend has gotten way, way out of hand. It was cool when it was new but it’s so tired already. Like...I just typed in “Etsy baby shower invitation” because I knew I’d find it. Again,

every day when i get dressed i kick myself mentally for having gotten a tattoo in lobster ca. 2013

Ugh I hate Lobster SO MUCH. Wait ‘til spring rolls around. Every fucking print advertisement uses Lobster in the springtime.

You kids today and your special fonts. We had courier and one of those eraser pencils with a fan at the top. White out was still new when I was getting to know Mavis Bacon. You’re all going to go to helvetica.

Bauhaus 93 all the way!

It should have been you, Lobster.

Let’s be real. My preferred fancy font in high school was Papyrus. You know you loved it too.

He probably has trouble pooping anyplace but home.

Why are you encouraging these broads to read anyhow? Disclaimer: I’m a broad.