
So…your farts have the magic power of conjuring up your friends, is what you're sayin'?

Well, Paul Newman wasn't available.

He was amazing. In Babylon 5, within a couple of episodes and a handful of scenes created a more complex and nuanced character that lesser actors couldn't pull off in a full season (he played a wealthy, shadowy industrialist with a plan).

Ken Russell's Prisoner of Honor was rather good, even if not as impressive as the subject would support.

I was a little mad they didn't do more with the incredible Malcolm McDowell, but otherwise enjoyed it a fair bit.

Love the prioritization in the title.
And also, the escalation from the original report.

As someone who never got onboard with Fringe, I say "good for you for hanging in this long!"

That bad, huh?

You do add the basil only a minute or so before the pizza's done, right?

…leading to a trade dispute involving Naboo.

What? NO!

I'm incredibly suspicious of what the corporations that have taken the moviemaking mantle choose to do with their potential cash cows.
I was utterly disappointed by the prequels, and not really engaged by the Expanded Universe stuff.
I haven't seen something that JJ's had his fingers in that was in any way notably

What goodwill? "Cynical and suspicious" doesn't sound like goodwill.

How many people (or anthropomorphized objects/creatures) did you expect would participate in this AMA?

Yeah, it does sound like a Committee was involved.

They may have been Star Wars, but good? No.
Well, the first one wasn't. And the clips I've seen of Into Darkness do not suggest it was any improvement.

But only where he could travel by rail!
Thank goodness Overmars didn't have hangups like that. I've liked Arsenal a lot- they always play (or try to play) fast, good football, even when it might be in their best interests not to. It's the same reason I've enjoyed Barcelona's games -the post-Cruyf era, definitely.

Final score, Bayern 0 - Real M. 4.
I believe this is what the word "emphatic" was invented for. Real goes through to the final.

I'm not disputing that some of the comedy doesn't work (you say most of it, fair enough, everyone has different cringe thresholds). The musical cues for it are especially jarring- but some of it is less telegraphed and more natural, and that part functions.
I'll dispute that the portrayal of the Indians is as

Good. On a mission from.