
Wow. Sounds like JJ will have to redouble his efforts if he is to f**k up a Star Wars film co-written by Kasdan and will all the old gang in it- even if they're only cameos.
I'm sure he'll manage to, though. *sigh*

And coming on the heels of Villareal banning its racist, banana-throwing fan for life, too.
A good day for non-sport sports news.

The German team needs to score a whopping FOUR goals to qualify now.

Just turned on Bayern-Real M. The Spaniards are 2-0 up in the 25th minute…in Munich! My goodness.

Dunno…Arsene's sides have a tendency to actually do well in Europe no matter what they're doing at home.

Wow. With the beard he looks even more like Moby.

Them's fightin' words, pardner.
Although I can appreciate that it's easy to read The Searchers that way, it's a much deeper movie. And I wouldn't call it sympathetic towards Ethan at all. There's a lot of interesting symmetry -down to lines of dialogue- between him and Scar, for one thing. And the ending is not heroic.

Uelsmann looks fascinating, thanks!
To be honest, a lot of folks actually draw a blank on Shaw initially- you're alright in my book, for whatever that is worth.

But not everywhen everywhen!.
Erm…what were we talking about?
It's actually not easy to follow TV series from across the Atlantic. Copyrights and time difference are not helping at all, too.

What's phonetically?

You probably fail to account for the fact not all of us here are actually here (erm..geographically).

Definitely going to have to watch this…at a carefully chosen time.

Big things have small beginnings. Congratulations!

Is there any realistic chance for a WW movie, though?

There was nothing good on TV last night -well, there was a great docu on WWI, but the subtitling was atrocious, and some comedy that managed to make Mary Steenburgen and Sam Eliott unfunny- and with the weather turning to rain I needed something nice and relazing to watch.
Settled on The Natural- unbelievable cast, a

Salutations! Hopefully these haven't been answered in some of the 4800 comments under the Apple belt- I have missed a couple of hundred of them, probably.

a) Outside the remit of the A.V. Club, what sort of art do you enjoy following? And of which timeframe?

b) Would you say you've traveled a lot?

c) If I say "Robert

They will when they're in charge. But not sooner.

Is this the movie with Sybil Danning in a skimpy bikini…and then out of it? Can't remember the director's name for some reason.

First time I heard something of the soundtrack was…MTV?…a show about animation, and they had a report on the "recently released" Ghost In The Shell which included that scene of rain in the city…I was transfixed.

Deliriously happy, probably. After all, people taking the time to track down every change in Bossk's action figures probably enjoy doing stuff like that.