
Yes, that's definitely on the cards as an explanation.
Still, it's a bit unnerving that The Other Guys went for "sweet" and Harmon went for "mean".

When I saw the "join us for the season finale two-parter" announcement the reaction was what, already?

Very good piece.
And the title is somewhat less…ahem…sensationalist as others we've seen.

Xenakis? Oh man, brave choice. Challenging and pretty unique.

As to the bombing bit…the man did lose an eye to a grenade.

If the writers/creators are Cersei fanboys…good for them, and good for us.
Throughout the books, GRRM gleefully keeps piling so much s**t on Cersei, it's like a sadist's pet project. It's utterly unappealing and it turns the character into a flat cartoon.
I can easily imagine the series' writers want to do more

Yes, he's much better with menus.

Who says we can't discuss this reasonably online? (pelts Shrike with fruit)
Great points.

Oh please.
The showrunners rewriting the books into misogyny?
You haven't actually read the books, have you?
I fail to see how anyone who has read the books would buy into this whole "GRRM writes strong women trying to achieve agency in a male-dominated society" fluff. Every woman in Westeros (except Daenerys, as of now)

That's a very well thought our response, Husk. Making some very good points. Thanks for sharing!

Well, it's been a while since I commented on the boards (soured on AV Club a bit since they dropped coverage of B5- boooo!), but have watched the new season and enjoyed it a lot.
This episode…well…sort of. Some great moments, to be sure, but it didn't build up to something emotionally, even if it did so narratively.

Yep. Second book was still OK (mostly), but then they just became bloated beta versions of what the actual books could be.


Not the only one. I still rent it from time to time, and enjoy the hell out of it. Even go a little moisty-eyed when MacLachlan and Stewart meet in the sandstorm.

Little known fact: Zizek and Lewis Black are the same person.

You *could* argue that the Metabarons was his take on Dune, possibly.

Yes, he should only put out compromised and rushed product for his own
private reasons- like he did with the last three books. Screw TV!

But the whole point is to take this competitive evolutionary approach and extend it to civilisations. And there, "strongest" can mean resilient, adaptive societies. Take pre-Columbian America's meeting the Conquistadors: both the Aztecs and the Incas were wiped out as state entities, but the latter's culture managed

I think it's just another sign they've completely misread Sheridan.
They send Anna to lure him to Z'Ha'Dum, and he goes, which really plays into the idea that their plan is working.
It's a rather interesting parallel to how the Vorlons have misread Sheridan seeing him as a reliable champion, forging an alliance to

Rowan, that's one hell of a writeup.
And, in case the AV Club throws B5 out of an airlock, I want to thank you for covering it so well, with great insight, enthusiasm, and a sharp critical eye.

@avclub-81f1e2cb3513ac18c77dd0159ec182c3:disqus , of course in the Old World we're also moving towards an "americanised" (in your sense) political arena.