
(audience performs joke acceptance ceremony)

…which would then pretty much become The Mollaris to do the subject any justice. Unless we're talking about a complex reboot that has something like double the number of episodes.

Rowan, I may have come on too forcefull on this. Apologies for the tone.
My point was, with what B5 shows and the little I've read on Rome and dynastic goings-on in Rennaisance Italy, I've got a fairly well-formed idea of how Centauri power works. While actually seeing some of the details on screen may be interesting,

Not sure that Vir thing would work, for starters. He can't bring it up before- that would tip us off Londo is preparing something against Refa. And bringing it up after…not much of a point in it, I think.
If anything, this opacity kind of reinforces the feel that Mollari has isolated himself in a dark place, where such

Dammit Yuri, for the past three days all I can think of is which part Grier could play on B5.
(and answering "all of 'em")

I dunno. This is part of a deal. And if the deal is "Refa pulp, hold the head and face", the Narn will probably deliver it that way.

That's insignificant.
The Centauri power system is based on the ancient Roman, and we've seen enough to understand it in Knives, Sic Transit Vir, and that little scene where people come to Londo with problems in the "my neighbour poisoned my donkey" category: it is a web of small and large favours and marital/family

Londo is, like a traditional Centauri, playing the long game.
And in that long game, Refa is a problem. Even if he is temporarily cowed, it is clear he is not out. He has many friends -after all, he came to Londo with a well-formed plan to take control of the Republic- and considerable influence. And it is certain that

[Shadow Chirp]"Hey, don't lay this on our shoulders, buddy."[/Shadow Chirp]

Well, I never completely bought the "Sheridan's opposite number" thing.
Sheridan is the Vorlon's champion. The Shadows going for the same kind
of hierarchical structure…it doesn't gel somehow.
We are
interpreting the dream through a particular meta-context, that JMS tends
to go for exposition, so if he's written

Ermmm…OK, here goes (deep breath): why is Justin the man in-between?

My take has always been that was Lorien. Waiting for someone who will reach him, who will be capable of understanding and breaking the cycle of order-chaos wars the Universe is locked in. Waiting in-between life and death, because that is the only way

Science Fiction emperors aren't very sharp cookies, are they?

I haven't caught up with BSG yet, but indeed there's precious few space battles that come close to B5 in everything else I've seen. I think it's probably that the other shows were not as interested in these as much as B5 is- they were just "space battles". In this show they are the consequences and embodiments of the

I forgive them everything for her little walk to the balcony -those careful, predatory steps- and the scream.

They tried to pat down a Drazi once. Once.

So, you're saying we need something like a Phantom Menace/West Wing lovechild in there, trade negotiations, voting countdowns, etc.?

That "looking at your soul" bit might be cringe-worthy dialog, but it is a damn fine visual.

Ah, catching up with these reviews after a busy (but enjoyable) month. Glad to see the gang is still around.

And oh boy, War Without End. What an episode. I still get goosebumps in that moment Rowan mentions of Sinclair taking charge of the ship- and I still get floored when Marcus figures things out at the end, even

What good stuff?

Well, if it spans almost the whole galaxy, that's deserving to be called "Great", no?