
Is this the first time we see the future Centauri regent? I have a nagging feeling he was in one episode before, but can't really recall.

It's actually an integral part of what the show is doing.
Sanne was very much the "quirky breath of fresh air" type in the PM's office, and was used as a manifestation of how Brigitte was an outsider with a different approach.
So the slow-burning conflict between her and Brigitte's Sir Humphrey -and his victory- echoes

While talking about the differences between Torben and Katrine it's fair to remember that Katrine isn't just an idealist. She is a supremely selfish idealist. She has those lofty ideals, and lives by them- at some personal cost, true, but also disregarding the cost on others.
And it's an interesting counterpoint to

I've always enjoyed Sic Transit Vir, a lot.
Maybe it's the opening with the roomfull of angry Narns. It's such a clear declaration that this will be a comedy, and sets the mood for the whole episode. And everything in the episode complies with this. For one hour, B5 turns into The Vir Show, and even though that is a

Ah, bad luck. But an excellent RR- many thanks!


And thanks for asking about Blue Tiger!

Oh, there's humour.
The Primeminister's secretary, Sanne, starts off pretty much as "flustered, comically out-of-her-depth comic relief", even though she changes over time a bit. Since most of the characters do react to situations like actual humans, there's plenty of joking- it's not a monotone show. One of the

One thing not mentioned so far: it looks great.
There's a sparing but beautiful aesthetic at work throughout, in terms of sets, costume, locations, etc. And this extends to direction as well. While they tend to shirk from spectacular, extravagant shots, they direct extremely effectively: closely tailored to the story,


I think that's coming up next episode.

Oh, yes, Sanne's great. She even has a sort of mini-arc of her own, doesn't she?
Although they seem to have put her there initially more for a bit of comic relief (like the stuff with the paintings in Brigitte's office), the fact she's a constant background presence really works to suggest more of a character.

While I certainly appreciate the effort clearly made for these posts, the constant, simmering, subtle Sinclair-bashing is infuriating.

Ermmm, I'll disagree with Tomo. Season 3 is pretty damn good. And they do some very interesting work even when they pick rather cliche storylines.

Good call on that repeat.

Straczynski has said he wanted one crewperson to walk out exactly because in these scenes noone ever does.

I love that little moment when Lady Morella and Londo's hands touch, and he realizes she has seen something. Both Jurassik and Barrett really play this beautifully.

Terrible humour?! Surely not!

Not easy to write something coherent about these episodes since I just want to go wowwowowowawesomewowow.
They're amazing, and they've held up marvelously so far. Zack in Point of No Return is a great performance by Conaway- and the episode is planned and directed to keep you guessing up to the last minute. And that

Actually, that bit earlier when she says she'll tear the War Cruiser apart with her bare hands and you believe she will tops it, in my opinion.

"Bring us closer."
"How close?"
"Right. Down. Their throats."

Sends shivers up my spine every single time. Hot damn.