
My neighbour has a Jack Russell, and it's the scrappiest dog I've ever seen.

Yeah, it's not like there aren't enough politicians out there who act like they've been taken over by an interstellar slug.

Oh, I liked it alright. Although to this day I'm not entirely sure which version (or versions) I've seen over the years.
Whatever else he did, the way he pulled off the Messianic feel in the last scene is masterful.

A thousand times yes. It's a fantastic scene- especially that they don't linger on it.

And of course, the Cube is made of Lego.
(which is why it's indestructible and can rearrange itself constantly)

The last episode of Season 1 (or the first of Season 2?) is about the one-year anniversary of Brigitte's taking office, so in this episode we're probably nine to ten months in- not allowing for the variable pace of a TV series, of course.

This is one of the best, if not the absolute best, episodes of all three seasons of Borgen.
Less because of the tightly written and acted story, but chiefly because -I think for the first and only time in the series- they decided to forego their normal realistic lighting and palette and went for an almost expressionist

Somewhat similar experience. Saw Maclachlan on the VHS cover, thought "hey, it's the guy from Dune!", rented it, kapow. Been a favourite ever since.

You won't need to hunker at all. It's a great ride.

I'm with Bucky on this.
It's so in tune with the whole attitude of the film. You expect a little slug is going to crawl out? Well, this isn't a movie that won't try and surprise you at any turn.

Oh man, Mike, thanks for reminding me of this! I haven't watched it in three or four years, and it's due a rekindling.
It's such a fine piece of work, and perfectly economical- there's no fat to trim away, at all. And Maclachlan's weirdness is pitched sooo right. Seeing it for the first time, when the slug-mobile

Well, I'm still in Season One of BSG, so neither the space dogfights nor the Cylonbunny are particularly meaningful yet.

Good point about symmetrical/parallel stories for Brigitte and Katrine this episode.

@flowsthead , I'll disagree with you on the Torben/Katrine dynamic.
My impression (and I'll admit that having seen three seasons may be influencing my perception of the first) is that it's not so much a producer/journalist confrontation. It's more a real/ideal journalist confrontation.
Katrine is still immaturely

Specifically about that "if Anne Sophie was a guy, would it still have happened…" question.
A while back, here in Greece -which in terms of gender equality is probably less examplary than Denmark- a TV station aired an extract from an interview with a male MP, heavily edited to make it appear he was endorsing terrorism.

Hmmm. Yes, Exogenesis is a bit like a whiff of tasteless smoke. Aubrey Morris is delightful as always, and the Ivanova/Corwin stuff is conceptually interesting (it's more or less following the beats of 19th century farce), but not really memorable. Probably because it isn't really tied into the season's progress. It's

@Alurin, little known fact.
The series put together a softball team to play other show's softball teams. They had to have special rules imposed because B5's team was waaaaay bigger than any others' since actors and crew all joined in.

Having just started a methodical rewatch of BSG, I'd still take the Kirkish drum roll.


Actually, my hazy memory is that in many submarine movies the captain does take his ship deeper than what he absolutely certainly knows will be safe.