
Oh, yes, Point of No Return has some trully amazing moments. And a smiling Narn!

Well, it makes perfect sense, what with the Minbari being into that sparkly crystal stuff and all.

Well, it's all subjective of course.
You're right that he can be an excellent Luthor- really bring out the threat in the character. And he does that simply by facial expression and body language. For me it simply goes off the rails when he gets plenty of dialogue- there's a broad, "playing to the last seat of the

I find myself -surprisingly- agreeing to this in part.
The movie was on TV tonight, and I'd seen the title of this piece, so thought I'd give it another chance, and make a concious effort to make it past the one scene where I've always given up before in frustration (Luthor's confrontation with Lois on the boat).
And I

Wait…80s horror-anthology shows?
You've got my attention.

What makeup?

Yeah, Barber is amazing.
And she's really done everything: from Shakespeare and Chekov on stage to Frears and Greenaway on screen to several sitcoms that noone would give Caroline any lip for calling very very broad.
And the dance moves are to be expected from The Pet Shop Boys' pick to star in their first musical.

Oh, Black Books is a delight.

[Jack Hawkins]Riiiight.[/Jack Hawkins]

Bringing up specific examples has kind of obscured my intended point (and I didn't even mention the best show about conflict resolution through negotiation and dimplomacy, Yes Minister).
To clarify: shows about resolution through negotiation need a great deal of background. The

All things being equal, I'd probably just say "Zog".

Thank you!
But I'd still like to hear "our" Delenn's take on it.

I have some issues with this.
Just out of curiosity though, when was the current War Cruiser designed, approximately?


I'd be surprised if they hand't tried already. But my impression is Shadows have a hard time taking out a P12.
Of course, Mr. Morden would not simply go ahead and admit it, would he? That would be embarassing, and probably put his head on the chopping block next time there's an

@Masthead , that's why Psi Corps was formed.
"Don't worry, we've put them all in one basket, under heavy regulation, they have to wear a badge so you can tell them from afar, so you have nothing to fear. And we'll get them working for us in oh so many useful ways, so please stop killing them."

Actually I have shot myself in the foot here- Season 4 is the condensed version (or at least 2-in-1 version), and it is awesome. So…erm…can we forget I expressed any doubts?
(good point about Vir, also)

I remember an interview with him saying something along the lines of "it's the first time a heart attack helped my career".


Actually, we only see Kosh appear as the fathers, don't we?
It also kind of feels like a personal choice- we obey our parents but eventually outgrow them, and he is the only Ancient to seem to at least offer that kind of possibility.

You are not ready for linebreaks.

Athens, Greece.

And I didn't mention Zack! Dammit. He's such a great character. Very archetypical Everyman, but Conaway played this so well it became incredibly real.