
Matt Schimkowitz has a crippling fear of people who once had talent, since he’s never had any himself.


Hey, the ad didn’t break the numbering of the list this time!

Ah, it’s a shame after her breakthrough in TV she’s still not getting to make a film.

What makes Knives Out work is that the actual protagonist is Ana de Armas’ character.

Fair enough, since Knives Out is a better movie than Force Awakens. And Benoit Blanc is one of the least worthwhile parts of it.

Now it will have to join Ronnie Rocket in the development graveyard.

I don’t think I’ve come across a Knives Out hater before, and I’d be curious to hear why you feel that way.

With all the press Florence Pugh has been getting recently, I never see this brought up as a credit. TV miniseries are still second class behind movies.

When you were in middle-school, right?

Wasn’t she also supposed to make Thor 2 before getting replaced by Alan Taylor?

I did not know about the studio behind Edwards’ next film. Was that deal arranged prior to Disney acquiring Fox?

She was in a recent adaptation of Little Women... but it was a British miniseries rather than Greta Gerwig’s.

The Duffer brothers weren’t even born yet in the year their series begins. They’ve just consumed pop culture from then.

I remember hearing about that as a youth, but I’ve still never seen it (or the TV series).

I hated Brick, disliked Looper and was indifferent toward Last Jedi. It’s been a monotonic improvement with every film I’ve seen from him so far.

Decision to Leave is a story for adults,” Park says in a press release for the film

Two of them being named Jaime is confusing. I don’t know which is which. Also, whose name was spelled “Jaime” prior to Game of Thrones popularizing that? Before I only remembered it being spelled “Jamie”.

I was just listening to some complaints about who died vs didn’t in the most recent season, and I think part of the issue is that the target audience is children rather than viewers of Game of Thrones.