
My housemate's sister has told me before of the need to be vigilant against the threat of witches. Like, she thinks that the "sleight-of-hand and special props," explanation for stage magic is a cover, and Penn & Teller ect. are secretly drawing their power from Satan or whatever.

Relevant Garth Marenghi's Darkplace quote:
"There is a lot of slow motion. The episodes were often running up to 8 minutes under. The only way to stretch them out was with slow motion… We tried to keep the slow motion away from dialogue as much as possible, but anything without dialogue was considered for slow motion."

Right? That's not a fun experience even if you haven't recently watched a relevant horror movie.

Yeah, that's part of the reason I'd love to go back and see it in 1999 - it was before this kind of movie became commonplace.

I didn't have that experience with Blair Witch, but I went camping shortly after seeing Lake Mungo, which was more unsettling than scary - until a completely terrifying scene set outside on a camping trip, with a character walking alone through the wilderness.

I know that it's lost a lot of it's "cool," factor now, but my first thought was The Blair Witch Project, which came out when I was eight. There are other horror movies I only saw years after the fact that I liked better, but none of them had that same kind of bizarre cultural phenomenon, where everyone was seeing it

Yeah… I think my child self was exactly the kind of audience that that cheap cash grab was targeted at.

It was not, and yet child me watched the reruns for years because it was on just after school and it had a talking cat.

Maybe that's part of what Sprouse was referring to in the second season. I wanna see someone be brutally murdered as part of a magical ritual!

But battling global warming doesn't sound like something that would be good for the coal industry! Won't somebody please think of the coal industry?

I've been following the conspiracy theory online this week, and it's been a truly fascinating look into that mindset. The flimsiest of evidence becomes absolute proof in their mind, and any kind of evidence against their theory is also proof, of the coverup.

Re: 2.) - yeah, the one thing I will give the conspiracy theorists is that Assange bringing up Seth Rich out of the blue like that was pretty weird. But if he doesn't want people thinking Russia was his source, then implying Rich was instead would be one way to distract from that. And because Assange refused to

And then they said she "looks like the Girl With The Dragon Tattoo," and that her hair would make it difficult to take her seriously as a character witness.

Yeah. I saw this trailer when a high school friend shared it on Facebook saying how good it looked and immediately raised an eyebrow at all the "OMG, how can he be a surgeon if he's AUTISTIC," stuff. And of fucking course he's a goddamn savant, because we can't allow an autistic person onscreen unless he's got

I'm behind on the show, so I was watching an episode of Last Week Tonight from a few weeks ago while I was at my parents' place last night. At one point my dad pointed at John Oliver and asked me what he had against New Zealand. I had no idea what he was talking about, and he couldn't remember what he was talking

Wouldn't jumping up and down likely dump him underwater alongside her, though?

Actually, that's only with identical twins. Fraternal twins like Jason and Cheryl can have different fathers, in the same way a litter of kittens can.

This is true, and it's probably the kind of thing that happens a lot without people even knowing - especially in areas with small populations - but what I found more intriguing than the actual incest was the Blossoms' utter lack of reaction. Penelope's line about the babies being "pure Blossom," or whatever, combined

I genuinely thought that too, and it would've been hilarious. The actual reveal is fine too, but I'm seriously hoping that it turns out that the reason Blossom syrup is so popular in Riverdale is because it has trace amounts of drugs (heroin I think?) left over, and the townspeople have been unknowingly ingesting it.

I like to think that someday he'll find out that Kara is Supergirl, and thoroughly ream her out for constantly using her secret identity to get stuff past him instead of tracking down proper sources like all the other journalists.