
And us here in the US are saying, "Bring it."

I thought I'd share this post from an astrophotographer I know who built his rig with an original Canon 7D and has produced some very nice images all with a rig under 6K.

Interesting, our 2012 Sorento gets 24-25 combined and the wife and I both tend to have heavy feet.

I had wondered the same too when looking at the side view. It looks like there are "arms" coming from the middle of the car out to the wheels that might allow it to flex and raise up or "jump" even.

Shot in Knoxville, TN.

Actually, you can use Avios miles to book US flights through American Airlines and you often get a better deal booking through BA's site than through AA's site.

This was going to be response, you beat me to it as well.

Photoshopped!!!!! Wait....

Our new Sorento came with a spare tire.

I'm okay with Doomsday being in this movie, except only being revealed in the end scene or even a post credits scene and then saving the third film for the climax. I really think though that the whole Zach Snyder-esque visual treatment of Doomsday making his way to Metropolis, taking out the Justice League in the

We cruised to Jamaica once, was offered drugs twice, and was involuntarily part of a drug bust during one of those propositions when a car came screeching up beside us and a cop came busting out of it when he proceeded to throw the perp against a wall. When I saw the car screeching up to us, I thought we were about to

Needs a little more tire.

I have this exact same car, though my wheels match at least. I get 42mpg's while being an automatic AND driving with the flow of traffic.

This, this right here. That is all.


Dude, it's not really. When you're doing shoots like these using artificial lights (i.e. strobes), you're not using wide open apertures. You're usually shooting around f8, so f1.2, 1.4, 1.8 lenses aren't necessary.

Mitsubishi used out of spec crankshafts in their 2nd generation Eclipse 4G63 engines that eventually lead to engine failures which was why a lot of 2nd gen Eclipse enthusiasts swapped the 1st gen 4G63 engine which used in-spec crankshafts. Mitsubishi never acknowledged this which left a lot of people helpless.