
@intimidatorno3ca: 1. You can do the effect in photoshop and set up a marco that'll just tilt shift all of the pictures you take or

@solracer: You're wrong actually. Way wrong. 35k CAD is 34073.20 in USD.

@Liam: Well if you're going to be doing any gaming you're going to be SOL with that integrated graphics card. If you're really hell-bent on Dell I'd go for either the XPS 15 with a Nvidia graphics card or go Asus. You can get a lot of bang for your buck with ASUS like this one here: [www.newegg.com]

@Liam: It was $1000 2 years ago. Parents said they'd go halfsies with me on a business esque Dell for college (No XPS, they're smart so I couldn't pull that over them.) so I made sure to get the best Vostro I could and it came with the high res screen. Obviously the video card isn't amazing (8400MGS) but I'm not

@Liam: I have a 1920x1200 on my 15.6 inch Vostro and HD everything is just amazing on it.

Ah, this slightly reminds me of that game called RushHour. Used to play that little board game forever at my grandparents house.

Wow.. I am astonished. The world needs more people like you Peter.

@bigbash: That would work if I had OSX, but alas I have Windows. If you have some sort of unreleased version that'll JB the 3G on 4.1 in Windows I would be very grateful if you would share. :P

@blueTitanium: I'm running Windows 7 and don't have access to a machine running OSX. The new RedSn0w beta is not available for Windows yet.

@blueTitanium: Please explain how you've gotten redsn0w to work..? Every single time I've tried to use it on a 4.1 3G it says it "Unable to recognize specified IPSW"

@theotherwhiteboy: Hey, don't bash on the D600/610's. I had mine for a good 5 years before the daughter board finally went out - no hard drive death and no exploding battery. :) I did replace it though because the 1.6GH/z processor was really starting to show its age.

@ian.nai: Wholeheartedly agree. Who needs a color screen on their calculator if all they're going to be doing is graphing things and doing calculations?

@cblane: I've heard this way too often. Thankfully I still have my 91 CRX Si and I never want to let go of her. Problem is, it's a two seater and once I start raising a family it's going to be really inconvenient to have a registered car taking up a parking space that can only take two people anywhere... Plus the fact

@boywithadream: Agh. I guess I misunderstood what firmware he was running. He upgraded to 4.1 afterall, that would explain why I wasn't able to do it. I bet he'll be happy to hear about this.

Quick question. Friend of mine has a iPhone 3G that's running 4.0.1... He tried to get me to jailbreak it for him (Because before iOS it was super simple to do) but I wasn't able to do it this time around using redsn0w because it wouldn't recognize the ispw.

@ROCZX: Sure, they may be lame but that's freaking amazing that they can do that.

I.. don't really agree with your comparison. I think the CRZ is kind of a half-assed attempt to try and bring the CRX back. Honda even said so themselves on the CRZ blog before it's launch. [automobiles.honda.com]