
@UweBollocks: Did you ever see Safe Men? It's my favorite Sam Rockwell move. My favorite Steve Zahn and Paul Giamatti movie as well. Actually one of my favorite movies overall.

@FavreFAIL: Thanks to you I now know that the green St. Patrick's Day version is called Lucky Puffs. Day. Complete.


@UweBollocks: No less than three people felt the need to read/text/email the Packers version of that to me last week. It made me furious and I'm a fan.

I just watched NFL PrimeTime in its entirety and Berman did the entire fuckin' show with a glistening wet patch of sweat on his upper lip. Why the fuck couldn't someone hand him a Kleenex? I couldn't look away; my brain just fixated on it.

So does the Pro Bowl next decide whether Green Bay or Pittsburgh gets to wear their home jerseys? Going to be alot of yellow in Dallas in two weeks.

Pure gold as usual, Hickey.

I'm not picking Green Bay in the Super Bowl quite yet but don't judge the Packers offense by today's performance. There is no team in the NFL as good at making the Packers O look terrible than the Bears. Lovie Smith has basically made scheming for Green Bay his personal mission since he got hired. Not today though

Jay Cutler Punches Kittens! #fact

Fernando Verdasco just got his assco handed to him by Berdych.

@Chief Illiniwreck: That's not so bad then. Judging from your avatar I'm assuming you are you are from Illinois so I don't know how good your evil Bears announcers are (kidding) but there are worse things than football on the radio. Now if you had to entirely miss game action due to said event then it would be beyond

@Chief Illiniwreck: Can you openly listen on the radio/headphones or do you have to keep it on the down low?

@BillBelichick: Franks is number one for me. Louisiana Hot Sauce is the shit too. I've also had generic brand "Louisiana-style" hot sauces that were pretty good. I really like Cholula as well.

@vodkanaut: It's funny. Alot of my friends still do it and some of them are alot more successful than I am but they still take chances with getting caught. Anyone who smokes weed in a place where it's illegal is always taking a chance of ruining their lives by getting caught. I get semi-regular (unannounced) drug

@BillBelichick: I put hot sauce on everything except burgers—including my avatar. Bonus points if it's delicious Frank's RedHot.

@vodkanaut: Ha! My weed smoking days ended during the final months of the Clinton administration.